Wondering If I Should Grow This Year.Will Radiation From Japan Effect Them?


Active Member
Your plants will be fine, the amount of radiation reaching the West Coast (which is where ill just assume you're from) is going to be minuscule on a grand scale of the earth, and yes even the rain water will still be safe. It's honestly kind of silly to think it will harm us. Do some research on the ammount of radiation needed to disrupt human, or plant, life. Next look how much radiation will actually be felt here in the US, its all easily accessible since scientists have been looking into it since day one. Dont be so paranoid friend!!
I have to say RDG, I concur!
and CAPONE; from the data that i've seen from reputable scientific testing, the radiation levels are nothing to be concerned about. in fact, you will be exposed to more radiation if you eat a banana.
thats right, apparently bananas contain small amounts of some sort of radioactive isotopes
good luck.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I'm in the Midwest and i appreciate your advice but here's my advice, don't believe everything those scientists say. The main stream media lies.
Yes it is a huge conspiracy, were all trying to give you prostate cancer ;). Honestly what good would it do with not informing people that there are dangerous levels of radiation, instead of informing them to take anti-radiation pills? I'm sure if scientists were aware of possible dangerous levels they would leak the information some other way than just the mainstream media like through the internet or Al Gore...


Well-Known Member
Do a search for radiation levels in everyday life... you'll shit when you see what your exposed to... example: granite.. yea the rock... much granite has radiation levels that can spike a gieger<sp?> counter... which is more than you'll be exposed to from the Japan disaster... ever have an X-ray or cat scan? guess what-radiation... oh yeah and one big one ... THE SUN!... just one giant nuclear reactor floating over our heads beaming radiation out in all directions... I'd be more worried about whats being put in(or not being filtered out-birth control/hormones/dissolved medicines) of our drinking water or the fact that the majority of the food we consume is now genetically modified...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
No I'm not. You obviously know very little about whats going down. I appreciate all the the serious replies guys.
Regardless what is or is not going down, how is pot the priority for your health, and breathing, eating, drinking etc, isn't? I'd be worrying about a whole lot of other things than my cannabis if we were living through nuclear rainstorms.. priorities would be the word that pops to mind.


Yes it is a huge conspiracy, were all trying to give you prostate cancer ;). Honestly what good would it do with not informing people that there are dangerous levels of radiation, instead of informing them to take anti-radiation pills?
Simple. To prevent a massive amount of people panicking and going nuts. At this point I would believe a forum on the internet more than the main stream media. If you want to read about stories they won't tell us about check out Godlikeproductions.com. A lot of good info on there, but there are the occasional wack jobs posting. lol. The Government has lied plenty of times so why believe them when they say the Radiation and god knows whatever else kind of nuclear shit is floating in the atmosphere is harmless to humans? This is just my opinion based on the research I've done. I hope I am wrong about the Rad's damaging plant life and I mean all plant life not just Mary Jane.


Regardless what is or is not going down, how is pot the priority for your health, and breathing, eating, drinking etc, isn't? I'd be worrying about a whole lot of other things than my cannabis if we were living through nuclear rainstorms.. priorities would be the word that pops to mind.
I've already thought about that and I've asked those questions elsewhere. Weed Plants were just next on the list.


Well-Known Member
No I'm not. You obviously know very little about whats going down. I appreciate all the the serious replies guys.
It seems here that you don't. Radiation is a universally occuring thing. Either way you and your plants are subject to dangers of radiation exposure as long as you remain a living organism. Even if it is a danger are you going to stop growing weed? I means its already in the air if it's in the rain so your already inhaling it, no? Whatever system your using to talk to me is emitting levels of radiation into your body at this moment... Loads of things can/may/do disrupt the formation of mRNA into DNA but that does not always necessarily mean your going to develop cancer.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've already thought about that and I've asked those questions elsewhere. Weed Plants were just next on the list.
We're not elsewhere, so unless you talk about that other stuff here as well, we have no reason not to take you for a fool ;)

Personally the nuclear stuff doesn't bother me, sure i'm aware of the possibliities etc, but i've lived my whole life baething air polluted with shit, eating food contaminated with all kinds of bad chemicals and crap, it's kinda not really relevent to the whole staying healthy ideal for me. Like smoking cigarettes daily but going on a diet in the thinking that the diet will save your body..


Well-Known Member
probably the best thing you can do for your health is to stay or become happy.


something is going to kill you, for sure, somewhere between 0 and 120, the latter half, if you are lucky.

lol unless of course science interveens, its advancing pretty rapidly.


Its been in our water for a while now. Filter that shit out, its only thing you can do. I def considered this, especially getting my water from a stream it has crossed my mind. grow on
Its been in our water for a while now. Filter that shit out, its only thing you can do. I def considered this, especially getting my water from a stream it has crossed my mind. grow on
you are very right that it has ben in our water for a very long time.. the government just never tells you.. and now that this has happened the media knows so there telling.. but the government did alot of nuclear explosion tests in the ocean... with bombs alot BIGGER than the atomic bomb.. they dropped the biggest nuclear bomb ever on a island.. it put alot of radiation in the world *water.. air etc.. etc..* so your right its here lol

far as the water from the stream.. becarfull with that man.. alot of people were suspected to get stomach cancer from the streams back in the day.. alot of trash is put in streams... so be very very very carefull

far as the radiation on the weed.. i wouldn't stress it bro.. even if they did.. fuck.. the food we eat *even if grown in our back yard* would have it ... so mide as well smoke it lol