Wondering about weather getting cold in mass

The nights have been getting real cold in good old Massachusetts and I have another 3 for weeks till harvest . Plants are definately late . Just wondering if I'm going to get screwed cause it gets cold at night


Well-Known Member
East coast growers have a max of 1 month left to finish up. Hopefully it doesn't get too cold before then. I've heard down from the grape vine that this winter is going to kick our asses. Only time will tell though.
Good luck to east coast growers!



Well-Known Member
Let it go as long as you can, the weather will tell you when it's time to chop. That plant will take a whole month if it can get it.


Active Member
cold weather and you might be getting some purply buds too so not all bad....but let it go as long as it can man...iv grown bud in low 20's before and it didnt kill the plant, they call it weed for a reason lol


Well-Known Member
Still in the 50's at night that takes me past the equinox on the long range forecast. Raining right now. I think October will turn cool very fast. It's been a relatively dry Summer save for a few big storms. Last year there were a few cold days at the beginning of Oct. I think now is the time to be ready to cover and shelter plants overnight.


dude its not that cold in Mass yet. The coldest was 47 degrees so far. And that was this morning on the south shore. According the almanac, first frost for Mass is usually Oct. 17th. Now there can be freak frosts.. but with 3 weeks to go for you I think your fine.


Well-Known Member
Last year there were a few cold dates before that 17th date. Frost dates are never exact. The idea is to keep a watch on the weather so you can protect just in case you need a few more days to finish. When a plant is subject to cold temps it has to recover which might delay the process. There's no need to allow that. Think back to how long ago you started. The last thing you want is to ruin all your work.
Very true I've put tons of work into these babies . How do you protect them against the cold ? I have one plant that is getting a lot of purple buds


Well-Known Member
Grow row covers work pretty well but you really have to tuck them in. Clear plastic invites problems because it doesn't breathe. This is grass season in more ways than one. Cut the grass or anything green. If you can make a tee pee place the fresh nitrogen rich grass clippings around the plant and she should be snug for the night.


I have the same problem with purplish coloring of buds and leaves, but from experience it's completly normal in colder climates, especially north east outdoor. I really don't worry about it, the only problem is it changes the look of the bud and strain determination is pretty much impossible to outsiders. Just let it be, ur gonna put so much work into providing shelter and for what? 2-3 weeks, frost isn't comn just yet... relax...


Well-Known Member
2 years ago frost came early 3 weeks from now. If you're not nearly ready to finish now you have to think about stretching the season just in case. That may require ordering something. All we've got to go by is an unreliable 10 day forecast. There have been frosts in September here before. You can't go by averages because they take into consideration years of extremes along with years of moderation.


I'm in NE. Just put up a small temporary greenhouse for the overnights getting below 50. Have one plant showing some red hues. I'm looking at a good month before harvest. Hoping for a mild Fall.


Active Member
i as well am in the NE area and the weather at night hasn't gone below 45 and the days are 70-80 your good i seriously doubt your will have a problem and we should be good till about mid oct good luck


Well-Known Member
yeah everyone chill with the 50F stuff.. the plant can easily handle mid 30s , even low 30s... the cold temps do tend to turn them purple.. and mine are about the same.. start really flowering beginning of august. we easily have till oct15 give or take