wonder women grow/400 hps/mh-pics!


New Member
how long have they gone if they have gone over 6 weeks flower i would chop them down. you will still get a head high lol. but if not i would just start that light up and see what happends


Active Member
how long have they gone if they have gone over 6 weeks flower i would chop them down. you will still get a head high lol. but if not i would just start that light up and see what happends
thanks r sparked the light ill monitotr for 24 hours if no improvement i will chop........sucks picked a nug high wasnt to great but it was still moist would that decrease high?


New Member
yes you want to properly dry it and put it in a glass jar and cure it for about a week. i cure mie for a month but i also sell mine for 400 an oz. i do smoke some after it has dryed up tho so you want it to dry good did you water them cause they need water asap


Active Member
yeah there still moist ftom 6 days ago......praying no ugly disease orbugs pop out.......not much on what 2 do if somethim like m my situation arises.....:( .and if the reason for the lackluster high was from being damp then im slighty reliveed.......buds look amizing .......lights a burnin


New Member
that great you need to get you a timer cause you fucked up lol. i bet after you water they stood up tall. weeds like that. and the six days may have put more crystals on your buds for you. they thought winter was coming early


Active Member
???will there be any degrading of the bud if i leave the plant tall with majority of old leaves up top brownand falling off?on the positive side new growth on bottom side of plant looks healthy leaves on main cola are dry and brown should i chop or could the bud still develop?


New Member
um it should not be a problem the plant should asorb energy from its fan leaves and not from the small ones as much.. so i think that you are good.
will flushing shock my plants? hinder grow progress?
Some people say yes but a good rule of thumb is remembering that they still are weeds and really can thrive without all the growth hormones and water. The only way to truly shock your plants when flushing is by over water witch will cause root rote and start to starve the plant of CO2. What I favor to be the best is water every other day (I use water from my fish tank and they love that). Then get a good spay bottle and spay the leaves twice a day lightly once in the morning and once before lights out... Hope this helps a little and happy growing.. :)