

Well-Known Member
There is a reason wars were lost over the magic a vagina holds...There's a reason many men have lost his fortunes over that tiny slit.. My father told me once when I was a young man. He said "son becareful because one hair from a vagina pulls harder than two oxen" I guess the Italian translation works better..But you get my point.. Ohhhh vagina.. The quest for vagina is like a perpetual grow,,,never ending.. CURSE YOU VAGINA!!!! OHH CURSE YOU

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
There is a reason wars were lost over the magic a vagina holds...There's a reason many men have lost his fortunes over that tiny slit.. My father told me once when I was a young man. He said "son becareful because one hair from a vagina pulls harder than two oxen" I guess the Italian translation works better..But you get my point.. Ohhhh vagina.. The quest for vagina is like a perpetual grow,,,never ending.. CURSE YOU VAGINA!!!! OHH CURSE YOU

Rain the curses my friend. Adam REALLY did piss God off. He's up there now, laughing his ass off at us guys!!!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
This is too funny, for as much as it changes the song remains the same. A long time ago, in a galaxy far far ... nope wrong story, as I was crying over some boy whose name I no longer remember, my mother said to me, "Honey as long as you have one of those, she pointed, you can have as many of them as you want."

Sure shut me up LOL which was probably her point.


Active Member
women,only sweet and innocent,caring and beautiful the first few years IF THAT! lol

they hide their flaws so well,and then BAM DWAMN!!! out comes the psycho/bitch/bi-polar-freak-o-nature!!!

not to mention the ones who pretend to be this girl who is decent and has respect for herself,then you find out crazy shit like
she sucked everyone off,had 3somes,partied all night n day and other crazy stuff lol

then they want to settle down and be safe and looking for a symp with money n what not,and get prego and bam "support me"

^ didnt happen to me but,,still happens out there!


Well-Known Member
women,only sweet and innocent,caring and beautiful the first few years IF THAT! lol

they hide their flaws so well,and then BAM DWAMN!!! out comes the psycho/bitch/bi-polar-freak-o-nature!!!

not to mention the ones who pretend to be this girl who is decent and has respect for herself,then you find out crazy shit like
she sucked everyone off,had 3somes,partied all night n day and other crazy stuff lol

then they want to settle down and be safe and looking for a symp with money n what not,and get prego and bam "support me"

^ didnt happen to me but,,still happens out there!
Ya..your right...Sometimes it seems that the woman is the loose skin around the Vagina.


Well-Known Member
You guys really hate women, huh? Maybe I should fuck off out of here and take my panty shots, home cooking and rolling skills with me ~_~;

Curious2Garden, I wish that was true!


Global Moderator
Staff member
You guys really hate women, huh? Maybe I should fuck off out of here and take my panty shots, home cooking and rolling skills with me ~_~;

Curious2Garden, I wish that was true!
No, please don't - not all of us (and I use the term very loosely) Men are haters.