Women and Makeup. When is it too much?

Morgan Lynn

Active Member
I believe makeup is great. I love it. I love color. But it seems like women think they need to cover their faces completely.

I see the most gorgeous women painting their faces on. Who care if you have a red zit. It looks worse when you apply crusty foundation over it.

Anyway, I am a makeup culprit and I have made amateur mistakes with makeup. But now that I'm older (I know 24 isn't old), less make up makes me feel more beautiful (and I have a natural pale uneven skin tone).

What do ya think?
i love wearing mine simple black eyeliner and lipstick. brings out my eyes. though trying to get pale is very very hard these days, naturally of course. to much is a drag. im 23 and miss doing make up everyday. i look and feel better wearing it. plus im more comfortable.
...makeup used in arts somehow crept into makeup used in daily life. I guess we can thank tv for that.

If you look like a piece of abstract art by morning what good is it?

I hear ya. I love makeup and when I'm home I am entirely too lazy to do it. However, when I go out, I attempt to look a bit more presentable. Usually, I'll only put on mascara, a bit of foundation, and some bronzer.

It seems like every time I put on eyeshadow it turns me into a clown. I cannot get it right...ever.
Most women look fine with no makeup. Less is more, a little bit maybe for work or a date, but otherwise I can do without it. Soo many women apply so much makeup they look like a zombie raccoon. Hehe and don't even start me on perfume, ugh
I'm a guy ... and the only thing I have figured out about makeup is ..... the more of it I saw on a chicks face ... the greater the odds are that I would get laid.

Need I really know more? Do you think I really care to know more?
There is a direct correlation between amounts of make-up and self-esteem. Unless you're a rodeo clown.
Ugh, perfume...

I use a little bit of body spray and deodorant. I know some girls fucking bathe in perfume. It smells like they are covering something up...for real.
Ugh, perfume...

I use a little bit of body spray and deodorant. I know some girls fucking bathe in perfume. It smells like they are covering something up...for real.

Whats even worse is when they do stink and have Bo, and that smell mingles wit crappy overpowering perfume.
Ugh, perfume...

I use a little bit of body spray and deodorant. I know some girls fucking bathe in perfume. It smells like they are covering something up...for real.

Perfume tastes horrible too. If a girl wears it they should spray it on parts that nobody might ever kiss. Which probably only leaves a few spots...just sayin'
Deodorant tastes nasty too, but that's how I learned not to lick arm pits. So I guess that's good.
stripers always smell like too much body spray. what is that shit, the $5 stuff from duane reed?

anywyz, i try not to wear a lot of makeup but i do have blemishes soeties and i will try to cover them up. i don't wear foundation, that stuff is gross.
Not really for me thanks, maybe some subtle lipstick and eyeliner, but why can't women feel happy about simply being themself? :)
I am simple when it comes to makeup little eyeliner & Mascara topped of with some chap-stick & lipstick for special occasion's. IMO most women cant see correctly went thy buy foundation, it looks nasty when its the wrong color for your skin type. Scary even.
My oldest daughter just graduated Cosmetology. And has taken special effect's makeup... Crazy shit, she is an amazing artist. She has done make-up for photo shoots. weddings, etc. And the best make up is all natural look! And i agree... I hate stinky perfume. The best scent... clean & fresh and maybe a hint of something pleasureful to our nose's!
Like freshly cut weed!! :peace:
It ruins all my pillows. Fuck make up.

Having said that, I think it should be used for ceremonial purposes only. The entire "Female Image" is a crock of shit. A Multi-Billion dollar industry aimed at making women feel ugly, and sister, BUSINESS IS GOOD!

I hate false image. Appear as you are, and screw any one who doesn't like you.
It ruins all my pillows. Fuck make up.

Having said that, I think it should be used for ceremonial purposes only. The entire "Female Image" is a crock of shit. A Multi-Billion dollar industry aimed at making women feel ugly, and sister, BUSINESS IS GOOD!

I hate false image. Appear as you are, and screw any one who doesn't like you.

amen sista!!