Woman Ordered to Pay $222k for Downloading 24 Songs!?!?!?!?!?


Staff member
hope it was good music. but deff righti use the youtube to mp3 converter

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
How dare she take money away from those poor CEO's! Didn't she realize she seriously jeopardized them being able to buy that private island or that second yacht? Shame on her! Shaaaaaame.


Well-Known Member
Well, as an artist I'd be pissed if EVERYBODY thought it was ok to download ALL their content illegally. A movie or a track here and there is nothing. That was an entire album or twos material though... Artists give out mixtapes and samplers or release free downloads for publicity etc and it does them good so not every single sale is vital. I also understand the CEOs pocket alot of the money, but we're so used to getting everything we want and getting away with it these days, maybe a wake up call from time to time is good. This product has a source, and someone worked to create and nurture it. Well. providing its not autotuned, shittily-written, money-spinning crap. Real artists deserve real money for real music. But then there's differing degrees of success. Money is more important to a fledgling band, having know many up and coming bands in my work doing music videos. We have to think about copyright law, fair use and such alot...

But stinging one woman with more than a decades' wages is crazy shit! That is fucked up!

Damn, I think I went into more detail on this topic in another thread... It's hard keeping track of similar ones...

Um, sorry if I'm not being very cooperative with you guys tonight...


Well-Known Member
Artist's should be paid; agreed. However, they are being ass raped by the labels. The artists make their money on tour. I know several fairly well known bands and they all agree they would give their music away in cd form if people would come to their shows. Those are artists.

Here's the truth regarding labels and what the bands actually get:


Many times, bands get signed and end up owing the label. It is disgusting.



Well-Known Member
Don't they get screwed cause they don't end up owning the rights to their own masters? Like I had heard Michael Jackson owned the rights to a bunch of the Beatles albums.

george xxx

Active Member

Three trials, including appeal, and she has to pay RIAA $222,000 for downloading 24 songs. Makes me hate the record companies. Bastards. Makes me want to never pay for a song again.

Speaking of, I just now figured out you can convert a youtube video into MP3. The software is free, so, so is the song. NEVER again, record companies.
The record company didn't do anything wrong. In this day and age you are suppose to screw anyone you can, out of all you can.

Apparently she has $222,000 she can afford to loose or there never would have been so much litigation.


Well-Known Member
The record company didn't do anything wrong. In this day and age you are suppose to screw anyone you can, out of all you can.

Apparently she has $222,000 she can afford to loose or there never would have been so much litigation.

Wow, you are an asshole deluxe. Most of the people I know and associate with would never say "in this day and age, you are supposed to screw anyone you can, out of everything you can". People like you are what is wrong with the world today.


Well-Known Member
I guess that's what happens when record companies invest millions in no talent hacks and need to recoup their loses...curious as to who these artists were {the ones she downloaded}.


Active Member
Dang talk about cruel and unusual punishment. $222,000 for downloading 24 songs? Thats like one CD, 2 tops. I could go to the local music store and purpously get myself caught stealing 2 real CDs, heck up the anty and say 6 CDs, jewel cases and all... I wouldn't see anything near this type of punishment.


Active Member
There isn't an artist alive or dead whose music is worth $222,000. All my music I get from sharing with friends. I don't listen to many current recording artists though so it isn't hard to avoid downloading. The youtube trick sounds good though. Might have to give that a try.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
It wasn't for downloading it was for sharing. When you use P2P you are distributing at the same time so you can get hit with harsher penalties.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
It wasn't for downloading it was for sharing. When you use P2P you are distributing at the same time so you can get hit with harsher penalties.
Exactly. That is how they come up with such large numbers, because they argue that it was being shared on and as such a large number of lost sales instead of just the one. I do not know how your law works, i use the word lightly, seems more like corporate and government corruption to me, but i would have thought that if it was just downloading a copy of a song then the punishment would be dished out no differently to if you had simply stolen the album from a shop, instead she is being prosecuted for the distribution of pirated material.

Personally i say fuck em, i installed real player, and went onto youtube, and it allowed me to download any and every flash video. If a very large and sucessful company like real player offer for free the tools to download something then i cannot in good concience consider it my wrongdoing. Why are these copmanies not being fined for offering the ability to download songs from youtube, seems no different to a company offering a program that allows you to download a song from another person.


bud bootlegger
i love how everyone on here freaks out when a poster comes along and says they stole someones plants, omg, how dare they?? people call them pieces of shit, wish they die, etc, etc...
but it's fine and dandy for people to steal from a record company or a music company and people don't have the same attitude towards it, i don't get it... maybe it's because it's not them getting directly ripped off like what happens with a band..

yes, it's big industry, but why should they get ripped off and it be fine but when a plant thief pops up on this site they get their asses handed to them?? theft is theft imo, whether you steal from the person next door, or some multi-billion dollar nameless, faceless company..


Active Member
Theft is theft. But how is a $222,000 fine for theft any less egregious? 24 songs should not make you spend the rest of your life in poverty. ALL SHE WANTED WAS TO LISTEN TO KELLY CLARKSON.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
When a plant thief takes your plant, you no longer have a plant, you are out of weed or money as a result. When i "steal" a song from an artist, they still have their songs and sales, they didn't lose ANYTHING because I would not have bought it in the first place. My justification for pirating is it makes absolutely no difference to their lives or sales figures as they would not have been getting any money from me either way.

We are talking digital content, if we were talking about stealing cd's from shops, that would be an entirely different manner, because they would then need to be re-making and re-stocking the lost product. In the case of digital media it doesn't change a thing, and on top of that the pirated song was enevr even obtained through their services so it isn't costing them anything in terms of bandwidth or server space or yada yada either. Short story is that in my case, they are not losing a penny.

Also, with regard to music these days, they are the ones doing the ripping off, charging as much as they do for what is normally a couple of ok songs and then utter bullshit to fill the rest of the cd up.


bud bootlegger
Theft is theft. But how is a $222,000 fine for theft any less egregious? 24 songs should not make you spend the rest of your life in poverty. ALL SHE WANTED WAS TO LISTEN TO KELLY CLARKSON.
lol, i'm not saying i agree with the fines levied, i just lol at some peoples reaction to this news when i see the same people freak out when ever someone mentions stealing a mj plant on this site..


bud bootlegger
When a plant thief takes your plant, you no longer have a plant, you are out of weed or money as a result. When i "steal" a song from an artist, they still have their songs and sales, they didn't lose ANYTHING because I would not have bought it in the first place. My justification for pirating is it makes absolutely no difference to their lives or sales figures as they would not have been getting any money from me either way.

We are talking digital content, if we were talking about stealing cd's from shops, that would be an entirely different manner, because they would then need to be re-making and re-stocking the lost product. In the case of digital media it doesn't change a thing, and on top of that the pirated song was enevr even obtained through their services so it isn't costing them anything in terms of bandwidth or server space or yada yada either. Short story is that in my case, they are not losing a penny.
idk, i don't buy that people illegally download music that they other wise wouldn't buy.. why would they download it in the first place if they didn't like the song?? so to say they wouldn't buy it is complete bs imho.. yah, they're not going to buy it when they can steal it for free.. and i fail to see the difference between stealing a cd from a store and stealing copywrited material from online, except maybe the store the cd was stolen from is also affected by the theft as well as the record co / artists..

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I am not debating the notion of stealing. I am pointing out the difference in stealing digital content and a physical item, as per your example of cannabis rippers. They are not stealing digital copywrited photographs, they are stealing the physical item. Stealing a digital item costs the people nothing and doesn't effect them in the slightest.

I download music i like, i do not deny that, but to say it's bs that they wouldn't have bought it instead is silly. I can think of much more worthwhile things to spend money on, so let's say pirating was out of the question, i could pay the money for the song, or i could just make do without it or find a perfectly legal workaround. When we stopped paying our PRS music license at work, the boss was quite adament that we couldn't use the radio, so i just played equally good music from friends or artists who were happy for music to be played without the need for PRS licensing agreements.

And as i said, this is in my case, not everyones, but no, i would not buy any of the music i listen to. If i really want to listen to it then well, i kinda just turn the radio on, or youtube on, or go onto any of 100 perfectly legal online music radio site things. Any music or game or film that i genuinely want, i pay money for. In fact a lot of stuff i do buy, i would not have bought if i had not pirated it in the first place. I stole modern warfare, loved it, so bought a propper copy, not for online play, can't stand the thing, but just to pay my dues, i stole race driver grid, which is fully usable in pirated form online and offline, i went out and bought a copy for both myself and a friend because it was worth the money. Most music or games i pirate, i play or listen to a few times and then nothing else, because it wasn't that good.

The short story as i said, is that in my situation, it is genuinely costing them nothing in lost sales and in fact has actually increased their sales as a result of my pirating and deeming the product worth supporting.