woman can't shop for shit!


Well-Known Member
I mean wtf. My wife went to the grocery store two days ago and spent $150 and there ain't shit to eat in the fridge or pantry. How the fuck you gonna spend that kinda money and not get any meat, fresh or frozen, whole or processed (actually there is one bag of breaded and frozen chx, and one small bag of pepperoni). No fucking frozen foods. All I see are canned fruits and vegs, juice boxes, ice cream bars, rice, and mac and cheese. I'm fucking pissed. I usually do the shopping and come back with all kinds of meals and beer for that price. How can I express this nicely to someone who is uber sensitive?


Well-Known Member
I mean wtf. My wife went to the grocery store two days ago and spent $150 and there ain't shit to eat in the fridge or pantry. How the fuck you gonna spend that kinda money and not get any meat, fresh or frozen, whole or processed (actually there is one bag of breaded and frozen chx, and one small bag of pepperoni). No fucking frozen foods. All I see are canned fruits and vegs, juice boxes, ice cream bars, rice, and mac and cheese. I'm fucking pissed. I usually do the shopping and come back with all kinds of meals and beer for that price. How can I express this nicely to someone who is uber sensitive?




100% Authentic A$$Hole
I mean wtf. My wife went to the grocery store two days ago and spent $150 and there ain't shit to eat in the fridge or pantry. How the fuck you gonna spend that kinda money and not get any meat, fresh or frozen, whole or processed (actually there is one bag of breaded and frozen chx, and one small bag of pepperoni). No fucking frozen foods. All I see are canned fruits and vegs, juice boxes, ice cream bars, rice, and mac and cheese. I'm fucking pissed. I usually do the shopping and come back with all kinds of meals and beer for that price. How can I express this nicely to someone who is uber sensitive?
LOL sounds like my woman........everytime she grocery shops its canned goods, fresh vegetables and that type of shit.....No meats, no frozen foods....She knows Im a stoner...I mean wtf....She has gotten better though..I had to set her straight...Now I either shop for my own stuff or leave a list on the refridgerator so she knows what to get me when she goes:hump:


Well-Known Member
I mean I had her pick up chinese last night, cuz I couldn't find shit to eat. Not even a fuc*ing hot dog. I'm not picky, give me a frozen pizza, fish sticks, or hamburger. I can work miracles with boneless chx breast, Give me some thing to work with! Hell even canned soup might work. What the F*ck am I gonna do with Flax seed and canned squash? I told her before she went not to bring home weird healthy shit. She talks with her friend, who reads the shit rag mags from the grocery store and makes life changes based on them, and I end up with flax seeds instead of cereal. After she talks to her friend I her about how we should change our diet and start taking herbs to cure all of our ailments. I have a major in nutrition and am working on another degree in the health care world, don't feed me the shit rag mag article info, I know what the f*ck is up.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I mean I had her pick up chinese last night, cuz I couldn't find shit to eat. Not even a fuc*ing hot dog. I'm not picky, give me a frozen pizza, fish sticks, or hamburger. I can work miracles with boneless chx breast, Give me some thing to work with! Hell even canned soup might work. What the F*ck am I gonna do with Flax seed and canned squash? I told her before she went not to bring home weird healthy shit. She talks with her friend, who reads the shit rag mags from the grocery store and makes life changes based on them, and I end up with flax seeds instead of cereal. After she talks to her friend I her about how we should change our diet and start taking herbs to cure all of our ailments. I have a major in nutrition and am working on another degree in the health care world, don't feed me the shit rag mag article info, I know what the f*ck is up.
HAHA yep that is my lady totally


Well-Known Member
I almost always do the shopping, this is the first time she has really gone shopping with out me in prob a year. This is why dammit. Not even bagels and cream cheese. Is there some kind of college level course I can enroll her in? She can't cook for shit in the first place and then brings home off the wall shit, wtf is she gonna do with that.


Well-Known Member
Is it genetics, cuz my wife can't grocery shop either, I have taken permanent control of that responsibility. Maybe it's some kinda trick or conspiracy though, but I love to eat so I guess they win this time.


Well-Known Member
opposite sides of the country. Apparently they took home ech out of all the schools. Now that's one program I'll vote to fund.


100% Authentic A$$Hole
I just think most women are hip to good eating habits as for me I eat anything:hump:

My woman can get stoned and enjoy a freshly cut vegetable salad...Now I enjoy salad but its to much work for me..Id rather a hot pocket or some shit


Well-Known Member
I'm not kidding is there some kind of class? I'm already planning to send her to culinary school when I graduate, lol, I wonder how she would take that suggestion.


Well-Known Member
its terriable.. i sent my woman to the store to get pork chops to bake.... she comes back with these tiny 1/4 inch chops for pan frying.. the next time i sent her for pork tenderloin... she came back with pork chops... wtf


Well-Known Member
I like reasonably healthy food as long as it tastes good, but as mentioned before, she can't cook for shit, so why shy from the basics? I'm a pretty decent cook when I put my mind to it, but if your not, don't try weird shit till you can make basic shit right. Then get pissed cuz I don't complement the disgusting shit I don't want to eat. I guess the upside is I'll never get to fat eating her cooking.


Well-Known Member
The problem is I put on weight eating out all the time. Granted this is partially my fault, I should cook more often (I make 60%+ now). I thought this cooking and shopping stuff was supposed to be ingrained, somebody f*cking lied to me!


Well-Known Member
There is only 1 woman in my life who can really cook and she lives 10hrs away . I love u grandma! My dad has the same prob with my step mom, only she buys the same shit over and over, so there is like 10 of the same thing in the cabinet and nothing you need. Mom is a decent cook, but nothing special.


Well-Known Member
The problem is I put on weight eating out all the time. Granted this is partially my fault, I should cook more often (I make 60%+ now). I thought this cooking and shopping stuff was supposed to be ingrained, somebody f*cking lied to me!
i thought u had a degree in nutrition? wtf... sounds like, to me, ur simple solution is just to go do ur own shopping.. 30% fat, 40% protein, 30% carbs..best diet you can do..course im a weight lifter n i follow that religiously..but anyway, send her ass to culinary school, or just take her out one day and show her what kinda shit to buy for u guys so when she goes out she knows what to get..and flax seed..wtf..that shit is disgusting..chicken + avacado is way better for your omega 3s and thermogenics..magazines + supplement advertising fuck up this world as bad as mcdonalds (that god damn dollar menu rules tho..omfg that big mac w/ sweet and sour sauce..makes me cum everytime..and the mcchickens..alksjdlkasdjflksdjgh)


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you guys got shorted on that whole "wife" thing.. lol... I've never heard this complaint .. there's no frozen microwave dinners because there's REAL food in the fridge to heat up.. lol.. I agree with the thought of sending these chix to culinary school..


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you guys got shorted on that whole "wife" thing.. lol... I've never heard this complaint .. there's no frozen microwave dinners because there's REAL food in the fridge to heat up.. lol.. I agree with the thought of sending these chix to culinary school..
ur name is well deserved, any chick that can cook is fuckin hot in my book, thx for being a woman with some sense. ha