Witney Houston died


Well-Known Member
She should have hooked up with a different member of New Edition. They all look like crackheads though. Except maybe the one in the front. He's probably slanging the rocks to the rest of the group.

Amen, Capt. Lazy good for nothin' tricksters... crack-smokin' swindlers! Big butt havin', wide nose, breathin' all the white man's air!

If you have hate in yer heart, let it out!


Well-Known Member
She outlived Elvis.

That's a win in my book.

I think....

But, how will I know?



Well-Known Member
God, I can't stand her music.
Every new years the cape coons (local coloureds... i.e. brown people, not black), have this music competition thing on a nearby sports field, and every second iodiot sings her crap. Wish I cantotal their sound system some how.


Well-Known Member
God, I can't stand her music.
Every new years the cape coons (local coloureds... i.e. brown people, not black), have this music competition thing on a nearby sports field, and every second iodiot sings her crap. Wish I cantotal their sound system some how.
Shaving cream. In the speakers. You're welcome. ;-)

Oh expanding construction foam is more permanent. Just adding.


Well-Known Member
benzos n booze not good well is a nice buzz but obvously very dangerous........

has been in the uk papers today about her buying 8balls of crack n smoking the whole thing in 1 blunt lol dunno about that but she shore did like to get messy.