

Well-Known Member
All righty,

so i was chilling out yesterday doin' nothing particular when i noticed two little old ladies come walking up my path to my front door. Aged women of at least late 60's/70's..

i get up and go to answer the door and they proceed to, after a very nervous intro, offer me free Bible lesson's and say that they can help me re-interpret the bible. The way it was suppoed to be read..

So i let them do their thing. And asked a couple basic non-threatening questions in response to their statements.. now, normally i would usually go off and just try to slam everything someone with this mind-set says but they were just soo old and harmless looking and they werent asking money that was another thing..

..but after probably about 2 minutes of giving these two the chance to give me their best lines. I, abrubtly interrupted her and asked "..and what if were a homosexual" or a convalescent and my only recovery was abortion or some other form "sinful" science.

She quickly said "well, thats actually interesting that you say that because (and then pulls out a pamphlet and hands it to me(which was filled with nothing but bible quotes/verses)) i was just listening to a program and it had touched upon those very issues.."

by now i had gotten somewhat fed up and decided to end this conversation. And said sorry 'No thanks, have a nice day.' And i think i said i'd give the pamphlet to my parents or something to that effect too...

which i havent done. lol

here is the reason why... not because my parents arent both religious. They are. They're known to non-theist/atheist/secular community as "religious moderates." lol

On the back of that pamphlet i was reading and looked by the address and saw what i hadn't heard from those two little old ladies.... at all. It read: JEHOVAS WITNESS

hahhah.. right in the garbage. fuck recycling. lol

What's weird though.. is that they didn't mention Jehovas Witness or anything jehova in our convo.. They just stuck w/ God and the bible...

they prob did their best not mention it and scare me away.. Hah!

New experience for me. Funny as shit. My girlfriend was in the livingroom too whilst this was all happening .. laughing into a pillow....


i shouldve asked where their church is and go there and preach some non-theism! lol


Well-Known Member
you should have know these two were jw. the only ones that come to your door any more are the jw's and the mormons and the latter always seem to be young. come to think of it, i haven't had any mormons ringing my bell in quite some time. maybe the two came to some sort of agreement and they split up the state. just my luck, i would have to get stuck in jw territory.


Well-Known Member
Man I live next door to mormons. It isn't like their loud or anything, I just don't like them. We fight over the parking spot infront(our lawns conjoin) and generally compromise. But its like their entire community comes to our street on bikes every 3-4 days and they just talk and then slowly break away group by group.

Once time we were walking by and a friend of mine said " I wonder who's going to drink the lemonade first." It delivers better in person, but believe you me, I was funny.

Anyway I avoid those encounters at all costs.
