Well-Known Member
Thanks, Obama!
Thanks, Obama!
Cantor also went to an anti tea party event.
I read that was trumpeted by the Brat campaign. Sleeping with the enemy.
And bam.
I don't like this Brat guy. Saw an interview with him last night on Hanity, and he pretty much thinks God chose him to go to Congress.
The Republicans will now block anything immigration reform related out of fear, and the Democrats will paint them as racist.
Angering the fastest growing demographic in America by defeating Cantor in a primary because of his views on children being naturalized is a Pyrrhic victory. They try so dearly to hold onto the past that never was, so they forfeit the future.
Always looking backwards, never forwards. Rather fitting for the conservatives, it is their nature.
Maybe it wouldnt be the fastest growing if Obama and the Democrats actually took their oath seriously to provide control over the border.
They got to have someone deliver the guns to the cartels.you fucking reality hating retard.
U.S. has more border patrol agents on the border with Mexico than ever
Cantor also went to an anti tea party event.
I read that was trumpeted by the Brat campaign. Sleeping with the enemy.
And bam.
I don't like this Brat guy. Saw an interview with him last night on Hanity, and he pretty much thinks God chose him to go to Congress.
you fucking reality hating retard.
U.S. has more border patrol agents on the border with Mexico than ever
Yes, and every illegal alien they catch coming into the country they either A : Put them on a bus and release them inside this country or B: Turn them away and count them as deportations.
Gotta make those #'s look good so you can boast about a lie.
scary isn't it? and you believe that shit..the bible..how do you think those of us who are non-believers feel?
this is precisely what i'm talking about with religion in politics.
he's going to start voting on legislature based upon WWJD.
so how does their bus enter the US?
I think that a huge reason Cantor was defeated in the primary was because he wasn't Christian.
Yes, and every illegal alien they catch coming into the country they either A : Put them on a bus and release them inside this country or B: Turn them away and count them as deportations.
Gotta make those #'s look good so you can boast about a lie.
Not so much that they hate Jews as much as they want somebody who will try to bring "Christian values" into the government.So now the town of Richmond hates Jews?
no insulting, now, guysyou fucking reality hating retard.
U.S. has more border patrol agents on the border with Mexico than ever