Wish I had a little girl like that...


New Member

She keeps it up, she'll be a very well known fighter, Im sure. At that age, look at her focus and willingness...and not to mention ofcourse her skills.

Proud papa right there.


Well-Known Member

I can already see the wide eyed stare of the first little boy that pisses her off and get his nose squished and he will more than likely not have a clue as to what just happened. :o

The force is strong with that one.




New Member
lol no she's training hard and putting a lot of effort into it . She's very determined. I bet her dad was/is a boxer. from the video, it also seems the dad is one of those you hear about that trains their insanly young children to be the best at their certain sport/weightlifting. I remember hearing about a super strict dad that had his 12 yr old son lifting weights. Kid was like 100 lbs and lifting like 180...which is still EXTEMELY hard to believe


Active Member
bde0001 are you talking about lil hurcules?? i remember i seen alil dude yoked out and was in body buildding comps with grown men and thekid was like 8..
my comp wouldnt let me watch the video but now i must see it as im a die hard boxing junkie.


Active Member
just watched it...
girl knos how to stand in the pocket. slip and counter. i hardly see any fighters like this, if shekeeps it up she will be known.


New Member
Yeah man its tough to fight like that. You must have good balance and form.

Edit: I cant find any vids on google or bing

Blowin' Smoke

Active Member

She keeps it up, she'll be a very well known fighter, Im sure. At that age, look at her focus and willingness...and not to mention ofcourse her skills.

Proud papa right there.
This little girl's a beast.[video=youtube;SxK0YiUeX0Q]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxK0YiUeX0Q[/video]
That's pretty impressive. We'll have to see when she starts to get older if her passion for boxing is as strong as her father's.


New Member
Womens MMA is popular yes? I havent seen any of their fights yet. (have they videoed womens fights yet in ufc?)I remember reading an article of Dana white saying he expects it to bring large crowds and be just as popular. I gotta see if i can find any, Ill post em. In fact lets turn this thread into womens MMA