Wish I could get some grade a stuff!


Well-Known Member
I read on here all the time about people getting toasted on 2-4 hits & what not.

I've only been smoking for perhaps 4 years now (Im 40 though) & I swear I must have a serious tolerance or something, which is strange because I never touched any drugs in my life until pot in 2006 ish.

I even tried smoking it not stop for 6 hours once & yes I was certainly high, I was straight within 30 mins of my last toke. I have always bought from suppliers until the last 2 months when I have started smoking my own that I grew from seed.

Once again. I can smoke a TON of weed & be fine. high yes, but nothing else. I read of people almost "trippin" when smoking AK-47 & what not.

I am planning to start a grow of pure Sativa strain. In a closet I know I will have to watch it & trim it, baby it & take 6 months to grow it right but what the hell. Its a hobby.

I'm guessing I have never has a Sativa because other than the one plant I grew which gave me a very different high, the rest seems to get me indica high (or what is described as one)

Currently growing 2 buobbylicious fem auto flowering from NIrvana. If they work out that will give me (with what I have on hand) enough weed for me to last 6 month to grow a just sublime, babied along Sativa.

Anyone got a suggestion as to what I should grow? I dont care about time. I can spend a year waiting for her, if it's worth the wait :)

Suggestions welcomed



Active Member
never heard of trippin on ak. I love destroyer, p urkle( any purple actually) salmon creek is an smazin plant to watch grow. the smell of mine was crazy strong. and it stunk to high hell even before and flowering. I aalso play as i lay dying (death metal) to my gurls. myth busters did a thing with music and plants. I find Metal make for stonier(medicated eyes) weed . hope that helps

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
I don't trip on buds or anything, just get REALLY high when I smoke a blunt to the face or whatever...

perhaps you need to take a tolerance break?

cannabinoid tolerance works like this:

You smoke, and cannabinoids attach to the cannabinoid receptors in your brain, and you get high. Over time, the receptors begin to weaken or whatever, and they cant hold onto these cannabinoids for very long, or just cant hold on period. So basically your brain cant ABSORB and hold all that THC. So if you smoke a lot of weed, are high for 30 minutes, and then your sober you know it's time for a break.

Personally, I never really STOP smoking weed. I just have to keep my tolerance in mind. What I do is once I start feeling like getting high is a chore, I try to busy myself and not smoke weed. Like I'll wake up in the morning, not smoke, go to work, come home, go out to the movies, come home and sleep. Then the next day I may only smoke 4 or 5 bowls (as little as possible) and stretch my sobriety out as much as possible for a day or two. That usually brings it back down.

If you can stop cold turkey, you should notice a huge difference after two or three days. if you could stop for a week to 10 days you will feel like you got high for the first time again.

Personally I like to maintain SOME tolerance. If you don't smoke bud for 10 days, then smoke a J to the face your pretty much useless. I like to smoke and do things. Tolerance gives you the mental focus to be able to drive and go to work and do everything your normally would (but high).

I hope I explained it well enough for you
I think it needs to be grown outdoors under tropical sun, or close to it, to really experience the psychedelic aspect of cannabis. I know from experience that outdoor stuff grown right under hot sun, is very psychedelic. Most of this stuff grown indoors is mainly indica and hybrids, because growing a pure sativa indoors is difficult it takes a long time to flower and gets very big, has low yields, and they need huge amounts of light. Under the equatorial sun, the plants grow much more potent, and they have loads of THC, THCV, and little CBD or CBN, so they are very speedy, psychedelic, more mental than visual, but definitely you will see why they say cannabis is a psychedelic and why most people now don't know it, because you can't get the kind of potency from indica and growing indoors to match the full power of the sun at the equator. Most indicas have loads of CBD which takes the edge of THC, and not much THCV that stimulates THC making it speedy. Plus, they are not exposed to ultraviolet light as much, which might increase THCV and lower CBD.

But you can eat cannabis indica, it seems that eating it makes the THC more potent and cooking it breaks down CBD, it is different than smoking it and can be more powerful experience.