wisdom teeth...arg


Well-Known Member
One on the left side just cut though two days ago, I wasnt lucky enough to get them in my teens. What a crappy time for it to show up; now that ive got a drug test coming up and i can't toke. The lymph nodes in my jaw are swollen and hurt. I didnt have any oragell, so i gargled some vodka, and ended up taking a few shots. ive got a headache:neutral:


Active Member
That sucks, I would go to the dentist and see if you can get some painkillers for that. So that way you can at least help stop the pain and will have a script to show for you drug test.


Well-Known Member
I got all 4 pulled at once and just smoked weed all day for two weeks. Didn't feel a thing, selling the pills at school payed for most of the high, heh.


Yep had all 4 of mine pulled too. It will cause you to have the wierdest day ever.
the stuff they give you to put you to sleep is....well... The shit!!!!!

I woke up don't remember shit I guess I got into a minor arguement with a nurse and my girl about the right way for me to put my hoodie back on lol. Then on the drive to the pharmacy I spent like 25 minutes looking for a lighter in my pockets (which my girl took from me earlier because your not susposed to smoke afterwards)
then at the pharmacy I guess I went inside but I'd swear on my life I sat in the truck the whole time.( I remember it clearly even though it wasn't real hahahaha).
Then I went home took a 3 hour nap and when I woke up it was like I'd been recharged I was so fucking energetic!! And felt fine I too sold my pills to a buddy and just smoked some nugs and ate soups and crap like that for a week.
I even smoked cigs every day no troubles.