Wisconsin.. It Ain't Over New Law Against Collective Barganing set to go into effect

what does any fool mean when they state a logical fallacy? the vast majority of protesters are ignorant of the details of their cause. that doesn't mean that the cause itself is not worthwhile. no matter how many times those of you insipid enough to parrot the appellation "teabagger" may bring up the individual idiocies that are bound to creep into any movement, you will always fail to undermine the cause itself.

At least you admit that they are somewhat confused...The real Tea Party got hijacked..so this is the teabaggers
I dunno, I don't see COLLECTIVE bargaining as a inherent INDIVIDUAL Right. Personally I feel it is a Right to speak for onesself, not have someone else do it for you.

What exactly is our process of electing officials to represent our interests in our government then? As Americans do we not have an individual right to vote and thusly have someone speak on our behalf collectively?
Actually...he made that speech after he fired them...
Perhaps you are correct about the time line, but Reagan was talking about PRIVATE UNIONS, not public unions who as a large voting bloc can keep voting in the same politicians who will keep raising that unions pay and benefits.
What exactly is our process of electing officials to represent our interests in our government then? As Americans do we not have an individual right to vote and thusly have someone speak on our behalf collectively?
When does that happen? Never. Politicians for the most part don't give a rats ass what you want, need, or care about.
At least you admit that they are somewhat confused...The real Tea Party got hijacked..so this is the teabaggers
following nodrama's clarification, i'd say you are a bit confused as well. perhaps you've forgotten that medicare is a program that is bought and paid for throughout one's working life, where medicaid is yet another government sponsored entitlement program, or maybe the difference doesn't matter to you. this doesn't mean there isn't confusion in the ranks of the tea party or that it doesn't contain as many fools as any other group. i suppose it's just easier for the statists to denigrate americans' justifiable concerns if they concentrate their attentions on the instances of their enemies' ignorance.

the "real" tea party didn't get hijacked and that "teabagger" label you so love to throw around certainly isn't reserved for only its ignorant elements. the original message is still there. though statists may try to water down that message with the false compassion of their bleeding heart liberalism and political animals may sully its intentions with their opportunistic corruption, they are incapable of overshadowing the well-founded apprehensions of those who refuse to allow the state to become their master.
Perhaps you are correct about the time line, but Reagan was talking about PRIVATE UNIONS, not public unions who as a large voting bloc can keep voting in the same politicians who will keep raising that unions pay and benefits.
Here is another speech Reagan made showing his support of Polish workers..Unions in Poland were mainly public sector unions. There were very few private corporations in Poland at the time Reagan made this speech...

"They remind us that where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost. They remind us that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. You and I must protect and preserve freedom here or it will not be passed on to our children and it would disappear everywhere in the world. Today the workers in Poland are showing a new generation how high is the price of freedom but also how much it is worth that price."` Ronald Reagan

Now far as Reagan Firing on the ATC ...that falls under national security...
following nodrama's clarification, i'd say you are a bit confused as well. perhaps you've forgotten that medicare is a program that is bought and paid for throughout one's working life, where medicaid is yet another government sponsored entitlement program, or maybe the difference doesn't matter to you. this doesn't mean there isn't confusion in the ranks of the tea party or that it doesn't contain as many fools as any other group. i suppose it's just easier for the statists to denigrate americans' justifiable concerns if they concentrate their attentions on the instances of their enemies' ignorance.

the "real" tea party didn't get hijacked and that "teabagger" label you so love to throw around certainly isn't reserved for only its ignorant elements. the original message is still there. though statists may try to water down that message with the false compassion of their bleeding heart liberalism and political animals may sully its intentions with their opportunistic corruption, they are incapable of overshadowing the well-founded apprehensions of those who refuse to allow the state to become their master.

Bingo...Government runs both soooo.......WTF are you saying..sorry but really the point was made and you understood it and the real Tea Party was Ron Paul..not this shit
"They remind us that where free unions and collective bargaining are forbidden, freedom is lost. They remind us that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. You and I must protect and preserve freedom here or it will not be passed on to our children and it would disappear everywhere in the world. Today the workers in Poland are showing a new generation how high is the price of freedom but also how much it is worth that price."` Ronald Reagan

Now far as Reagan Firing on the ATC ...that falls under national security...
yeah, Poland didn't have unions, they were communist at the time. They do not exist in Communist countries. trying to Equate Communism as the same as a public union is either a deliberate attempt to lie, or its due to ignorance.

And Reagan was talking about their attempt to throw off the chains of communism and attempt a PRIVATE union....try some Lecht Walesa reading while your trying to find info that shows otherwise.

National Security? hmm Reagan fired them because a collective strike was against the union contract. They broke the law and they were fired. Thats what the US Attorney used as his legal method of removing them from their positions. I suppose it does sound better and less questionable when you use the magic "Security" word, same word they will be using as they insert their fist up the anal cavity of your wife because she COULD be holding a bomb up there. Gotta be secure these days, its more important than anything else.
Bingo...Government runs both soooo.......WTF are you saying..sorry but really the point was made and you understood it and the real Tea Party was Ron Paul..not this shit
Again, you completely missed the point. Since MediCARE is payed for by YOU through direct payments out of your paycheck it is NOT an ENTITLEMENT!! Its kind of like Social Security, its a program that you fund your entire life, you paid for it, why shouldn't you expect to get what you paid for?
Man creates Heaven and Hell and then seeks to avoid Hell by Enjoying Heaven.

The revelation that those who have champion representatives that protect and promote protections to classes themselves define a class.

It's obvious the political season is afoot.
Again, you completely missed the point. Since MediCARE is payed for by YOU through direct payments out of your paycheck it is NOT an ENTITLEMENT!! Its kind of like Social Security, its a program that you fund your entire life, you paid for it, why shouldn't you expect to get what you paid for?

My point is both are ran by the government..one is ran by your state ( Medicaid) the other Federal (Medicare) and teabaggers had signs saying both...and also MoDrama you can be a 9 year old child with kidney failure and receive Medicare so your point that all pay into it with direct payment shows once again how WRONG you can be..
My point is both are ran by the government..one is ran by your state ( Medicaid) the other Federal (Medicare) and teabaggers had signs saying both...and also MoDrama you can be a 9 year old child with kidney failure and receive Medicare so your point that all pay into it with direct payment shows once again how WRONG you can be..
A 9 year old cannot contract with the Federal government nor a State government,nor a healthcare professional , nor a hospital, not until he is 18 anyway, so the only way Medicare will provide for a child is if the child is in foster care, a ward of the state, or his legal parents or guardian have qualified and contracted for it. Law is a bitch aint it?
A 9 year old cannot contract with the Federal government nor a State government,nor a healthcare professional , nor a hospital, not until he is 18 anyway, so the only way Medicare will provide for a child is if the child is in foster care, a ward of the state, or his legal parents or guardian have qualified and contracted for it. Law is a bitch aint it?
??????? your point....can you tell me how much that poor 9 year old foster kid paid into Medicare to receive dialysis from the Federal government via Medicare ????ZERO..my point is you don't necessarily have to had paid into Medicare to receive it...Hell you can be a senior in college never paid a dime in taxes because you still in school.Get into a car accident that leaves you disable and unable to work..guess what ...you can receive Medicare...