Wiring ?


Well-Known Member
Got a wiring question. I want to run 5 120 qb's off 2 36v 150w meanwells. I can't just run them basic series or parallel. Can i split it up evenly? I've got a basic understanding of electrical. Can i run 2 boards off each driver in series then the 5th ran parallel from 2 boards that are ran from opposite drivers?

Edit: i'm prob just going to go with 8 54v 150w drivers and 18 boards in a giant series unless anyone's got a better idea
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Well-Known Member
Let me get this straight you want to run the last board off of both drivers ? Make sure you have a fire extinguisher handy
I said parallel from the boards not drivers. I'm looking for advice not bs from sum1 who can't comprehend what i wrote shove off!


Well-Known Member
Ya figured that when i edited the post to series with 18 qb 120, 8 150w 54v drivers. Got another ? though if u don't mind. If i do a series circuit i can wire in drivers down the line between lights to lessen voltage sag correct? 1 driver per 2 lights then the 4th driver for 3 lights. Then back to 2 per driver till the end. And wire the drivers negatives together at the close of the circuit. Is that not do-able or not worth the effort?


Well-Known Member
I'd do an HLG-480H-C2100B for each group of 9 qb120 in series.
Ya there's a lot of easier combo's i could use for drivers. Like 2 hlg 600h would be a breeze in parallel. But the meanwell elc 150 is best bang 4 buck atm. 28.8 per when buying 10 or more. So i get 1500 watts for 60$ cheaper then the 2 hlg 600h. Then can do two 288's with two extra drivers for my veg room. Just the sag of doing 4 elc 150's to 9 120's in series freaks me out.


Well-Known Member
If i do a series circuit i can wire in drivers down the line between lights to lessen voltage sag correct? 1 driver per 2 lights then the 4th driver for 3 lights. Then back to 2 per driver till the end. And wire the drivers negatives together at the close of the circuit. Is that not do-able or not worth the effort?
im not sure what you are describing but thats not series

dc outs of multiple drivers should never be mingled


Well-Known Member
im not sure what you are describing but thats not series

dc outs of multiple drivers should never be mingled
So you can't wire more than 1 driver per array (circuit) of lights? Sorry i understand car stereos so this is kinda the same but not. I know you can wire multi amps to a circuit of speakers idk if it's the same?
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