Wiring my fans - prefessional electrical guidance please !


Well-Known Member
Hi ive got the S&P TD-160 MIXVENT fans, and they are 4" inline plastic fans. I was planning to wire them using 13amp wire and 13amp plugs, and jus plug them into the wall. Is this even possible? Because im worried now as ive need the installation instruction booklet and it says "connect to the mains supply.Installation should be made with an isolated multipolar switch" but i have no idea what that means...or if it means that i cant just use a plug? Please help +rep

EDIT: there is a built in wiring box suck to the fan, where the wires in the electric cable get screwed in place. Is that all is meant by 'isolated multipolar switch' ? or do i need something special for the mains side of the cable??
If its a 230-240v fan, then it needs to be wired into a 240 plug. 240 is two hot lines from your breaker box without a neutral line. The white and black wires will need to both be hot and the green grounded as apposed to the black hot, white neutral, and green grounded. If out don't get it please pm. I've been a certified Electrician for over 8 years so ill help you as best I can.