Winter So Cal Guerilla Grow!

Wsup everyone! I'm currently working on my first grow. I live in sunny So Cal and am a medicinal MJ patient here. I bought a Power Plant clone on 1/20 and planted it the next day. I cant really grow indoors or on my property due to the parents so I decided to grow guerilla style and planted it in this bushy area down my street (where no one goes). I realize that winter is generally a bad time to grow due to sunlight so im not expecting much out of it and this is more of an experiment. Outside of what I've read online, I'm still pretty new to this so hopefully you guys can help me out on my first grow.

Will post pics to update you on the plant's status!

-btw, I named the clone Bob and hopefully he'll be ready by 4/20 :)

cheers to ya'll and keep tokin:bigjoint:

hey guys here are some updates on my plant Bob. He's been growing great and i'm pretty excited. Its been raining a lot so Bob's been getting a good supply of nutrients from the rain water. I know that since this is a winter grow he'll flower and mature earlier so my question is:

Do you think he'll be ready in one month to harvest? I still need a couple weeks to dry and cure him for my ideal 4/20 smoke. Just lemme know wsup and keep rollin'! :bigjoint:bob3.jpgbob4.jpgbob5.jpg


Well-Known Member
it takes about 8-12 weeks to flower... depending on the strain. If it just started flowering, I doubt it will be ready.
Its been flowering for about 3 weeks. Do you think it will be ready in 1 month? I read cannabis flowers earlier when grown during winter, especially with the nutrients from rain water

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
I would recommend only picking the top off when done so it will continue to grow all summer long. This way you can harvest again in the fall.
hey guys here are some more updates from the past few weeks! Hoping to harvest the top for a couple grams in 2 weeks. Do u guys think that it will be ready by then?



Hate to bust your chops but power plant is an indica so no matter when or how you harvest it won't make it more or less sativa. Or give you a sativa high. Also the nutrients in rain water have no bearing on how soon or late slow or fast a plant matures. Its all about the plants genes not salts. With that said, I would wait as long as I could then harvest just the top like said. Trim it up and put it in a paper sack for a few days 3-5 days depending on the conditions. The paper sack should allow the bud to dry but not to fast and the paper will help draw out the moister in the bud faster. After that you can cut it up real good and let it dry some more if needed, Then smoke the shit out of what looks like some nice bud. Let the rest of the plant continue to grow and you could end up with some pretty dank weed my boy.