Winter Harvest!


Well-Known Member
Wow thanks for bumping up this super old harvest everyone! I have more recent ones you can check out by searching under my name. in fact i am at day 56 with some grandaddy grape ape, masterkush, jah kush, ghost og, and maui under 8kw. I have yet to post the current grow on riu but the recent interest in this 2+ yr old grow has inspired me to share, look out for it! Thanks again everyone and happy holidays!


Well-Known Member
Also to answer you haiku. this room is no more, but i remember i ducted the heat from my 2x600w veg lights into the intake of the room to keep the temp up during lights out. it helped too that the entire room was insulated with 1 1/2 inch foam board. i would recommend insulating and if needed put a small electric space heater that can plug directly into your thermostat for those especially cold days. good luck!