Winter Growing Is This Technique Legit?

Just say you veg your clones indoors for 3 weeks under 18/6 light cycle then chuck them outdoors in winter and light cycle is 11/13 will they still flower in the cold climate say 15 degress cels night and 20 degrees cels day time? talking about pure indica strain. So you could still produce 100's of vegging clones and put outdoors every 2 weeks and you would soon end up harvesting every 2 weeks in winter, this sounds MAGIC but would it work?
Also with the climate change i am assuming the plants would turn purps, is this true?


Well-Known Member
It will work, I've done it.

BUT, not with those temps. I did it in Miami. The outside temp has to be right and yours aren't.



Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
If they flower, it won't be a strong yield and they'll grow slowly. Metabolism decreases with temperature. The cold may cause what amounts to slight bruising that would interfere with ripening. Temperature is a factor plants can recognize and use to determine upcoming season changes. When it gets cold, they can interpret this as fall coming and time to finish flowering.

Your best bet would be to find a strain known for growing well in colder climates.
They wouldn't freeze but yeah i guess they probs would grow slowly. I just thought since the temp and light change would induce flowering and i could clone alot more and keep them outdoors compared to what i could grow indoors as in space wise. Therefor i would have a very large yeild. Maybe just wait until next summer ;)


From my understanding (in other words, I could be blowing hot air here) the thc is produced as a coolant for the plant. If that is the case, you will get some crappy bud growing in a cold environment.