Winning, By Charlie Sheen


Well-Known Member
No, I must say he is slowly loosing it. He had his 'issues' before, but he has created a media downward spiral. Not sure how long he will stay on tv shows / movies. Such a good actor though..
yep...nuff said.

I find it funny that there are people out there supporting his behavior, but hey theres always the junkie to support the next eh?


Well-Known Member
Im sure if he never worked again he would have enough money to live as well as he wishes...........hell Ill party with him................the only differance between him and everyone here is his drug of choice..........


Well-Known Member
No, I must say he is slowly loosing it. He had his 'issues' before, but he has created a media downward spiral. Not sure how long he will stay on tv shows / movies. Such a good actor though..
jus wondering if he was not a "super star",would the downward "media" spiral matter?

i mean i dont know the man,but like all things in life,shit happens!!!
hes jus under the spot light..

he will forever be on t.v.....


Well-Known Member
well if they are so mad at him the fired him due to the image he is giveing the show.........then they should pull all the shows and no reruns.......uh wait......he is makeing them millions thier morals have a price huh.


Well-Known Member
As long as he is making lots of money for the network he will be excused,
heck if he ends up in prison or jail he'll be put in PC, BFD!


Well-Known Member
Charlie sheen is my hero<3
He's crazy and still manages to be fucking famous.
this is nothing new...

the only difference is that the media is a lot more receptive to drama lately, people need a good distraction, and with social networks such as twitter, the entertainment never stops from someone like charlie sheen.


Well-Known Member
Im sure if he never worked again he would have enough money to live as well as he wishes...........hell Ill party with him................the only differance between him and everyone here is his drug of choice..........
ill snort some rails with sheen.. lol@him being a good actor... how hard it must be to play a scumbag on film when your one in real life...

Jer La Mota

Well-Known Member
this is nothing new...

the only difference is that the media is a lot more receptive to drama lately, people need a good distraction, and with social networks such as twitter, the entertainment never stops from someone like charlie sheen.
Exactly, Id love to know how closely their inverters are related lol, .. For all we know some third wold country is prolly being taken advantage off right now, though how cares .. charlie sheen's on !!

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
well if they are so mad at him the fired him due to the image he is giveing the show.........then they should pull all the shows and no reruns.......uh wait......he is makeing them millions thier morals have a price huh.

Billions, He made Warner Bros. over 5 billion in just under 8 years

Secret Jardin

Well-Known Member
"Tiger Blood Radio" will "explore the breaking news, facts, fallout and career implications" of the actor.

Sirius XM will on Saturday launch "Tiger Blood Radio," the company announced Friday.
The station will be totally devoted to "breaking news, facts, fallout and career implications of the Charlie Sheen controversy," according to the statement.
VIDEO: Charlie Sheen's bizarre TV interviews
It will broadcast for 24 hours beginning March 5 at 6 a.m. until March 6 at 6 a.m. on Sirius channel 108 and XM channel 139.
Topics include the media reaction to Sheen, as well as the medical, psychological, psychiatric and pop culture and celebrity angles. A timeline of Sheen’s most recent actions will also be covered.
Playboy radio clips -- including interviews with "Goddess"/current live-in girlfriend Bree Olson -- will be played. Sheen’s ex-fiancée/Spice Radio host Ginger Lynn and adult film star Kacey Jordan will also recollect their times with Sheen.
Sheen declared he had "Tiger Blood" in several of his many interviews this week, and it has gone on to become a Twitter trending topic this week.


Well-Known Member
I almost wish he'd go back to doing coke, he seemed a lot more normal when he was high on it