Windy day wrecks havoc


Well-Known Member
Yesterday in western Washington we had sustained 20 MPH winds with gusts double that. I watched all day as my 4 eight foot plants got hammered and thrashed for hours. After the wind settled I went to inspect the damage. I had 2 broken stalks that peeled from the main stalk. Beautiful flowering stalks. My babies I have cared for for 6 months. I damn near started crying. Well I got on RIU to see what to do. I saw that people actually tape and stick the wounded parts back together. I ran for the masking tape and proceeded to delicately put my plant back together. I retired to bed knowing I would see half my plant dead in the morning. I couldn't sleep well and got up at first light. Got dressed and headed outside. To my joy and surprise my plant looked like it was going to survive. The repaired limbs, that were hanging by a thread were lush and green. Not wilted and dead. I am a first time grower of my meds since they closed the med shops here. I have learned everything from RIU and I thank this community of growers for all the helpful information that you all share. It is funny how attached you can get to a plant (that actually sounds ridiculous) but I really feel like since I have spent 6 months caring for these plants that they are a part of me. I could not have got to where I am without this community. Thank you RIU you have created life long grower. Next year I will have an indoor grow that is already under construction.
A Washington grower.
Well I do have cages around them for deer protection. They were just getting beat down and slammed from every which way. Don't really know if I could have done anything different. Live and learn.

we do them like this and it blows here 30-knots alot as we are on an island right on the ocean boxes and bamboo poles all round them with plastic trellessing for the branches to grow out thru work well for us good luck 8 ball yard1.jpg ch.jpg
Yesterday in western Washington we had sustained 20 MPH winds with gusts double that. I watched all day as my 4 eight foot plants got hammered and thrashed for hours. After the wind settled I went to inspect the damage. I had 2 broken stalks that peeled from the main stalk. Beautiful flowering stalks. My babies I have cared for for 6 months. I damn near started crying. Well I got on RIU to see what to do. I saw that people actually tape and stick the wounded parts back together. I ran for the masking tape and proceeded to delicately put my plant back together. I retired to bed knowing I would see half my plant dead in the morning. I couldn't sleep well and got up at first light. Got dressed and headed outside. To my joy and surprise my plant looked like it was going to survive. The repaired limbs, that were hanging by a thread were lush and green. Not wilted and dead. I am a first time grower of my meds since they closed the med shops here. I have learned everything from RIU and I thank this community of growers for all the helpful information that you all share. It is funny how attached you can get to a plant (that actually sounds ridiculous) but I really feel like since I have spent 6 months caring for these plants that they are a part of me. I could not have got to where I am without this community. Thank you RIU you have created life long grower. Next year I will have an indoor grow that is already under construction.
A Washington grower.

8' plants your doing well, any pics? Western Oregon here, I was out there in the garden yesterday watching everything get tossed around. I know what ya mean, spend time caring for them all thru the season and then have to deal with our fall weather. I've got mine caged and netted both, they fare pretty well thru the storms. I will be covering what I can this week. The RIU outdoor and organic sections growers are in my opinion some of the best that can be had anywhere. I wouldn't be where I am now if not for their knowledge.

This happened mid to late last month. Talk about close call!

Our daily wind is 15-20 (normally toward the end of the day it begins) but on this particular day the gusts were in the 60s and steady at 35-40 all day. Lasted a week.

This was with being anchored into the ground. Now I have sand bags draped over the corners...
Thanks for the visual and info, much appreciated. This is what I did. Not as nice as job you did. You were obviously more prepared than I.
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The first pic is a Rhubarb Pie.. The second pic is the sick one that got a bad beat down. This clone was labeled Black Rose and it's a couple weeks ahead of the others. She is shorter than the pie and the two GG#4 I have.
Looks like your plants made it through the carnage.
BTW getaway I see in your signature the seaweed juice thingy. I grew those in nothing but organic soil and this juice. Nothing else. The juice every three weeks in the water.
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Yeah I know EXACTLY what you mean. Woke up this morning and one of my plants was laying on the ground,F'In SPLIT DOWN THE MIDDLE. Had to get out the baling wire but I think its gonna make it.Friggin bud weight!! Guess I'm gonna have to take measures. One thing that really bugs me is my stems and branches have been really brittle all 1st year growing in a while, been growing on and off for 40 years...nutes aren't dialed in I guess....
I had a couple of broke branches last week. It was from a passing thunderstorm. But I've just started to flower. No weight to speak of.

Well I do have cages around them for deer protection. They were just getting beat down and slammed from every which way. Don't really know if I could have done anything different. Live and learn.

I need to do the deer cages next year. I took a beating this year from the bastards. But when they say cage them, they mean letting the limbs grow through the wire. Many do two cages for more support.
Ouch I'm glad you were able to repair them. I really need to get out and add some horti netting.
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This happened mid to late last month. Talk about close call!

Our daily wind is 15-20 (normally toward the end of the day it begins) but on this particular day the gusts were in the 60s and steady at 35-40 all day. Lasted a week.

This was with being anchored into the ground. Now I have sand bags draped over the corners...
Yup strong winds around here. I do a inner cage to support them. But that can back fire too, the wind blew a few over in the spring but the plants survived.
Photo from August 10 image.jpeg
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This happened mid to late last month. Talk about close call!

Our daily wind is 15-20 (normally toward the end of the day it begins) but on this particular day the gusts were in the 60s and steady at 35-40 all day. Lasted a week.

This was with being anchored into the ground. Now I have sand bags draped over the corners...
Damn, I have that same greenhouse but mines not even anchored on one corner (Rocks)

We usually don't get bug wind here, but I need to do something in the corners... Maybe cinder blocks or something?
I've ran into this a few times and actually did just two weeks ago, if your able to catch quick and just tape it up, shouldn't be a problem, usually it never breaks too much to where water and food can't pass up to the area where it snapped.

Sucks, but like everyone said, if your growing some trees, it's always gonna happen and you have to have some type of support goin rather it's cages, trellis, or bamboo stakes and green ribbon.
Damn, I have that same greenhouse but mines not even anchored on one corner (Rocks)

We usually don't get bug wind here, but I need to do something in the corners... Maybe cinder blocks or something?

Cinder blocks was my original idea but got some free sand bags instead :clap:

I say go for it, give it a try. Should work great...