windy as fuck, 110F, is it possible?


Active Member
hey everyone i was considering maybe trying an outdoor grow this year but unfortunately im kinda stuck in an area that sucks for growing veggies:-(

in the summer the temps can get to 110F and sometimes even hotter. the wind is constant here and for lack of a better term: its windy as fuck!

i was really hoping i could grow some potent buds outdoor what do you guys think? should the plant get a whole lot of direct sunlight even with those temperatures? how often should i water/feed it?

i prefer very strong sativas for smoking with a soaring 'head' high but indicas i would only smoke before bed.

as for strains im considering:
TH Seeds Lambo
KC Brains Mindbender
Medical Seeds 2046
im not to sure on wich strain would be best for you but im pretty sure u want to stick with a sativa for high temps im sure its possible the wind will prolly help cool them down but be sure to have them staked good .. and your going to have to water alot with them high temps id say atleast once a day when temps are that high . and i would look for something that wil get shade parts of the day to also cool it down .. search for some grows in your state and see what there working with . good luck.
im not to sure on wich strain would be best for you but im pretty sure u want to stick with a sativa for high temps im sure its possible the wind will prolly help cool them down but be sure to have them staked good .. and your going to have to water alot with them high temps id say atleast once a day when temps are that high . and i would look for something that wil get shade parts of the day to also cool it down .. search for some grows in your state and see what there working with . good luck.

thanks i was really wanting do a sativa anyway so i guess that works out fine. bongsmilie

should i put them in the ground or in pots ? i was thinking in pots because then i could move the plant around if the conditions get harsh.

i wonder if anyone here has grown in a place like arizona with crazy temps that could give me a few pointers :eyesmoke:
There is a reason why succulents (like aloe Vera) and others (Cacti) can grow in AZ...they can stand the harsh dry conditions and store water for long periods of time between rains. MJ cannot. Also, a lush green MJ plant will look mighty tasty to the local herbivores. Not saying you cannot, but an outdoor grow that is not managed (read- irrigation, cooling) will be very tough. Also the Stomates in the leaves close up and no growth or respiration occurs when it is too hot. If I remember right it's right around 95 degrees F. That's a tough place to want to grow lush green plants overall. ;(
ive got no clue about the temperatures but for the wind maybe you could train them to grow into,throughout a trellis. it would give em good support. i grew plants trained like that to try and hide their tru nature in my back yard once complete with fake red flowers i tied on. it worked ok.
Pot grows all over the PLANET! Pick some strains and start growing.

i don't know exactly where you are, but is it possible to get to higher elevation with a reasonable drive? That could mean lower temperatures and even fewer people, because high crags and desolate desert peaks don't usually get a lot of traffic. If you're in phoenix or something though it's a ways to the rockies I guess. what do I know I'm from New England...
go with a afghan strain when i was over there in the summer the temps got upto 120f and thats where i smoked some of the best smoke ive had ive also heard there verry strong strains
Use other plants around your mj that grow well in the area to buffer the winds hitting your plants. They will add humidity(moisture) and protection from wind. Plant them down 6 or 7 inches in a bowl shape to catch more water. Mulch and more mulch to help hold the water in the ground and not letting the sun take it away. Try a different types to see what works best. Make your soil mix as water saving as possible. Water not only helps to get nutrients to plants but to wash excessive nutes away. Don't overfertilize. Go lite then add more as the color and behavior of your plants let you know what they need. Good luck.
ive got no clue about the temperatures but for the wind maybe you could train them to grow into,throughout a trellis. it would give em good support. i grew plants trained like that to try and hide their tru nature in my back yard once complete with fake red flowers i tied on. it worked ok.

what is a trellis? can you explain better?

Use other plants around your mj that grow well in the area to buffer the winds hitting your plants. They will add humidity(moisture) and protection from wind. Plant them down 6 or 7 inches in a bowl shape to catch more water. Mulch and more mulch to help hold the water in the ground and not letting the sun take it away. Try a different types to see what works best. Make your soil mix as water saving as possible. Water not only helps to get nutrients to plants but to wash excessive nutes away. Don't overfertilize. Go lite then add more as the color and behavior of your plants let you know what they need. Good luck.

thanks for the tips.

im convinced it is possible to grow around here just because there is a lot of wild cannabis growing here, although the quality sucks
Do not keep them in pots. ur temps are way too high for that. The roots will be much better protected in the ground. If you have privacy.... set up a 30% shade net over them. Sunlight will not be ur problem, and as someone already mentioned ... hot & arid is Indica territory.
a trellis is something vegetable gardeners use for vining vegetables or perenial gardeners use for differant vines or you ever see how people grow hops? thats a trellis. most tomatoe varieties require some sort of support those could be considered a trellis. i grew on in what was called a tomatoe tower it was about 5 ft tall,a square thing. what i did was train the plants in and out of holes and tie the branches to the thing like you would in a scrog. they sell all sorts of them if i was to buy one i would buy one meant to grow peas . pea fences can be bought over 5 ft high and long up to ten ft long. then if you could get away with it grow 4-5 plants in a row training a tieing out one side in the other with the branches. it would keep them from falling over and get good sun. and a good yeild to boot. mine seemed to grow better when i grew with the tomatoe towers(got them from my grandpas when he died) and they hid the natural profile of the mj plant as well,as they grew in a veggie garden. im also a fan of tieing down my plants to keep em from getting to high and to hide their profile. but a good trellis would work great with high winds. if your worried about water and not worried about 100% organic you can use soil polymers to keep your waterings down about 50%. just another thought. peace
dont indicas like afghani come from afghanistan where it is like that? I am just saying . . . :)

ive never been to afganistan but right now i live in 'the great american desert' and the weather here is known to be some of the hashest in the country

ive got no clue about the temperatures but for the wind maybe you could train them to grow into,throughout a trellis. it would give em good support. i grew plants trained like that to try and hide their tru nature in my back yard once complete with fake red flowers i tied on. it worked ok.

i like that idea i may try it

i don't know exactly where you are, but is it possible to get to higher elevation with a reasonable drive? That could mean lower temperatures and even fewer people, because high crags and desolate desert peaks don't usually get a lot of traffic. If you're in phoenix or something though it's a ways to the rockies I guess. what do I know I'm from New England...

unfortunately no. im not in arizona in fact far from it. i was just using arizona as a reference point for my weather

go with a afghan strain when i was over there in the summer the temps got upto 120f and thats where i smoked some of the best smoke ive had ive also heard there verry strong strains

thanks for the tip ill check ill consider your advice.

im in oklahoma, where the only break from the heat is thunderstorms. and the only break from wind is tornados. when the settlers first arrived in OK they called it the Great American Desert.

smoke up everyone :joint: