Windowsill Grow journal - Bagseed


Well-Known Member
Yeah i got an ounce and it was full of seeds so i have decided to grow, i know my way around an indoor grow however i want to go all natural this time around, so im gonna grow them on the windowsill until there hardy enough to brave it on there own.

2 bagseed germinated in wet paper towel then placed in small plant pot (5 days ago)

1 bagseed sprouted (1 day ago)

Another 2 bagseed placed in paper towel in order to germ (today {day 7})

I have included pics of my first little girl, will post more once the other 2 have germ'd and sprouted :)


Would appreciate it if anyone had any info on using orange peel and tings to feed my babys, i think its called organic fertilizer or something?


Well-Known Member
**Update**hooked up a 40w cfl to help the little seedling grow, will use it on all 3 seedlings for the first 2 weeks.200546.jpg


Well-Known Member
Day 8 nothing much to report on, added some ground up egg shell to the sproutlings soil ( i have now named the sproutling Gemofeve ) also transplanted the germinated seeds into pots and placed clingfilm over the tops of the pots in order to get the humidity up a bit, took it off once the sun went down in order to let them breath :)

also took another pic of Gemofeve today, looks like she is growing well, a bit worried about the stem but her leaves are beefing up fast so its all good :D
Have also decided to transplant her into a bigger pot on wednesday (4 days from now) and then i will transplant her again before planting her in the wild :)


Well-Known Member
Day 9, still waiting on the seedlings to pop, checked them out about 2 hours ago and there tap root was visible so im hoping they will be okay, clingfilmed the pots again in an attempt to help the little ladys, i think i will leave the clingfilm on until they pop :) also Gemofeve's 3rd pair of leaves are beginning to come through, will let the leaves have some time to grow before taking pics, hopefully she will be strong enough to transplant on wednesday!


Well-Known Member
Day 11,both seedlings tap roots have fully developed, expecting them to pop out at any point, also i am going to transplant Gemofeve today ( a day earlier than my original plans) as it seems she has outgrown her seedling container, pics of 3rd pair of leaves included!


Well-Known Member
**update** have now repotted Gemofeve, will take pics once she has settled in to her new home :P also one of the seedlings have emerged from the soil will take pics in the next few days :)


Well-Known Member
DAY 18 - sorry i havent updated in a while the seeds i planted are giving me hell, one has sprouted but seems a bit deformed (hopefully it will pull through) the other has died, so i have germ'd another seed to take its place.
Also Gemofeve is already starting to show signs of sex ( i think) this is a bit worrying as it has been on a light cycle of 20/4 for almost its whole life, so this has brought me to the conclusion that the seeds im using are actually an autoflowering strain, will post another thread about it :S

HERES SOME PICS YO! 125623[1].jpg130031[1].jpg125752[3].jpg130440[1].jpg130311[3].jpg (from left to right, Gemofeve current size, early sex showing??, Gemofeve from above, and 2 seedling pics.


Well-Known Member
DAY 20 - Gemofeve is doing fine, now adding nitrogen supplements to the soil as well as calcium (to balance the ph) also transplanted seedling into bigger pot and named the seedling beautiful monster :)


Well-Known Member
DAY 28 - Have transplanted Gemofeve into her final pot, she seems to be doing fine, with more leaves growing everyday. Beautiful-monster is also coming along fine, growth seems a bit slow but leaves and stem are healthy, will be sexing Gemofeve in the next few weeks once she (hopefully) is ready :)


Well-Known Member
Day 40 - have switched the light cycle for Gemofeve to 12/12 about 3 days ago, i think i can see some white hairs coming up from the centre of the plant so hopefully she is female!! still leaving Beautiful-monster in veg for a couple of weeks (shes a little behind Gemofeve) also had an incident in which something was eating Beautiful-monsters leaf, dunno what it was but only one leaf was affected and the creature seems to have since disappeared.

will update with pics soon!


Well-Known Member
Day 34 (yeah i figure i messed up on how many days i have been growing these girls in previous posts..whoops :S) I believe Gemofeve has shown signs of sex!! its looks to me its a girl! have also put beautiful-monster under 12/12, shes not ready yet but i dont mind the low yield from her, Gemofeve will make up for her losses <3




Well-Known Member
Day 35 - added some potassium to Gemofeve's soil to help her flower, also increased the amont of soil in Gemofeve's pot as the base of her stem seemed a bit thin, Beautiful-monster is doing okay, hasnt shown signs of sex yet (got a feeling its a dude though...hopefully im just getting paranoid :P)


Well-Known Member
Day 40 - Gemofeve is developing lots of pistils now, also thinking about investing in better lights, starting to get a nervous whenever i think about yield :P will update with pics in a week or so, once Gemofeve starts to look really hairy :)


Well-Known Member
Day 50 - (2 weeks flowering) hey guys! will upload pics of both plants later on tonight (if i get the chance) Gemofeve is starting to look a bit hairy while beautiful monster has still to show signs of sex (quite frankly i havent paid much attention to beautiful monster as she cant hold a candle to Gemofeve [yet?])


Well-Known Member
Day 66 ( 4 weeks flowering although i really think my days are off :P) well heres pics guys!!

Gemofeve looking hairy :-


And now a few pics of Beutiful-monster (i dont really care about it, hopefully it will grow in to one big bud!)


Hopefully buds will start forming soon :)


Well-Known Member
My light source is the good ol' sun! my balcony faces south so i just put them out there all day, if its a cloudy day i got 3 40w cfls i sometimes put them under, really quite surprised how easy it is to grow :)