Windex and lipstick


Well-Known Member
someone told me that they read an interesting story the other day, and apparently these like 12, 13 year old girls would put on lip stick and kiss the mirrors in the school bathrooms, you know how girls are at that age. anyways so the janitor had to come and clean it off every day with windex and it was difficult to remove, so after weeks of this going on teachers gathered all the girls who they thought might be doing it took them to the washroom and there was the principal and the janitor. so they said to the girls they were going to show them how much effort it takes to clean it off, so the janitor went and dipped a squeegee into the toilet and started cleaning the mirrors.


Well-Known Member
how can you even enforce that?
I'd been like, sure I'll do the janitors job....for the janitors PAY!!
Any other jobs you'd like me to do around here?...and whats the pay on thoes?


Well-Known Member
how can you even enforce that?
I'd been like, sure I'll do the janitors job....for the janitors PAY!!
Any other jobs you'd like me to do around here?...and whats the pay on thoes?
I think you were stoned when you read the post.....the kids didn't have to clean the mirrors....They made the girls watch as the janitor cleaned the mirrors with toilet water...They implied to the teens that the janitor cleaned the all the bathroom mirrors with toilet water...Would you kiss a mirror after it had been cleaned with toilet water.....Like I said before...YOU HAVE TO BE SMARTER THAN YOUR PREY:)