Some of my plants have been getting stripped down to the veins and I can not figure out why. I have only noticed one pest, which looked very similar to a japanese beetle, but the whole body was a copper-color, as opposed to just the wings. It crawled up the stalk of the plant, onto a leaf, appeared to "hug" the leaf without eating anything then climbed down and went along his business..
We have VERY strong winds here with lots of dust storms. Before I moved here, my friend told me to make sure to get a garage, because the wind/dust storms can litterally strip the paint off your vehicle and make it look like someone sand-blasted it.
With this in mind, I would assume it is the wind/dust being blown around?
We also have had 90-100 degree days on a regular basis with full sun almost every day. I had a hard time getting watering down due to being use to indoor, but now that I am getting the hang out it they seem much happier.
The ones in the ground seem to handle everything much better.
The first four pictures are of the on in a 10G container and a tomato cage (Most effected plant)
This is the on in the ground (same strain as the last) which seems much healthier to me.
I truly appreciate any and all help!
We have VERY strong winds here with lots of dust storms. Before I moved here, my friend told me to make sure to get a garage, because the wind/dust storms can litterally strip the paint off your vehicle and make it look like someone sand-blasted it.
With this in mind, I would assume it is the wind/dust being blown around?
We also have had 90-100 degree days on a regular basis with full sun almost every day. I had a hard time getting watering down due to being use to indoor, but now that I am getting the hang out it they seem much happier.
The ones in the ground seem to handle everything much better.
- Very strong winds with lots of dust/dirt being blown around
- Used Azamax/Neem oil once/week or after it rains
- Lots of heat/Intense sunlight (90-100 degrees @ 5K feet elevation w/full sun almost every day)t
- Only noticed one bug which looked similar to japanese beetles, but all copper. (Didn't have camera with me
- Ones in ground seem to handle much better, the one in a container/tomato cage seems to be effected the most so far
- Some nute deficiencies which i'm working on correcting now

The first four pictures are of the on in a 10G container and a tomato cage (Most effected plant)

This is the on in the ground (same strain as the last) which seems much healthier to me.
I truly appreciate any and all help!