Wind/Rain Outdoor


Active Member
Sappnin Felllas and ladies

im just after a bit of info i have 4 outdoor plants (yes i know its january yes i know its far to early for them to be out they are experiments) we are currently being hit with 70-90mph winds and very very heavy rain and it will be like this for the next day or so.

what the chances i still have a plats hahaha? they have been slowly growing and there about 3ft tall and there stem is about half inch thick



New Member
lmao they are probably laying on the ground with snapped stems... I hope they are fine but with those winds.. its not looking good haha.. thats cool that you experiment and dont just take whatever advice you get like its 100% accurate. I tried that years ago with starting seedlings outdoors in early march.. they grew but very slow.. but they didnt die like I thought they would. It rained alot and like 10 different days of freezing temps and they still lived..


Active Member
haha ahh well its was only that i had a few cuttings before the winter kicked in and i was told and have read a few times that they dont like very low temps and had a bet with a friend that i would grow a plant outdoor and still grow it in the winter with out death haha

but hey i won the bet haha and yeah i never believe anything till ive tried it or seen it tried

but oh well was only a experiment :)