wilty/weird leaves- help!


Active Member
it's hard to see here but several of my new leaves are starting to look wilty and are curling downward from the sides and tip. another of my plants did this last week and got worse in a hurry and i had to pull it. im growing for the first time and therefore sort of winging it- got 'em in organic soil with few ferts under a 400x hps for 16/8.
any ideas?



Active Member
ha yeah probably- i've been afraid of overwatering, i guess i should rethink that strategy.. is it better to be underwatered than under? i have a really hard time determining the moisture level pf my soil..


Well-Known Member
looks like you can raise your lights a bit-I think they are too close-those are mainly symptoms of heat stress. I also think based on your pic that you are prob giving too much nutes too early by a bit.
are you ph'ing your water?
what type of lights
What is your watering schedule?
Does this soil contain nutes?
are you a type 'a' personality? you can push them but better when they are older-


Active Member
i think you're right about the lights- will move them today..
i used an organic soil with nutrients and haven't given any extra until a few days ago.
just got some ph strips and will start doing that today as well.
it's a 400w hps
i really don't have a schedule- i water when i think it's time, which is silly since i really don't have a good idea of when that is :)

it's my first grow and it's all about seeing how it's done for me. i'm a hands on learner. i really am surprised at how well it's going so far actually. wasn't sure any would survive the first few weeks.

type a? no way!

i'm trying out the lst grow method on one of them right now- i'll get some pics of that asap and you guys can tell me what you think!


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem with some in my veg room but I a using florescents so it is not a problem with heat stress, I seemed to have gotten rid of the problem though by allowing my tap water to sit out for a couple days in a bucket so that the clorine evaporates out of it. Are you using Tap Water?


Well-Known Member
def back off the nutes if they are in the soil already and water with ph'd water 6.8-7.0. also looks like your humidity may be a little low due to the lrolling of the leaf margins downward. couple containers of water left open should help. im sure you have some sort of fan blowing the area?


Active Member
alright i moved the lights (they were at less than 3' from the tops) and already they look better. the (tap) water is at 6.9 after a couple of days out so looks like i'm good there..
i don't have a fan on them. am i going to suffer for it very much?

has anyone ever tried tilting the pots on their sides for a few days and then slowly rotating them in order to get light to the sides and get some more growth? i'm too far in to start the lst, thought maybe this would work in a similar fashion. or maybe i'm insane.

and while you can still call me bro if you want, i'm not a dude :)