wilting problems


Well-Known Member
well i am off to great start....first i nute burned my plants then i finally i get my plants staight ...now out of the 3 plants i have one of them is wilting so bad that everything is just hangin off so i have no idea what is wrong .
the other plants or great but its just that one plant...i have them int the 3 week of flowering..they are on 12 and 12 with a 400 hps , foxfarm nutes with a ebb and flow system so if u have any ideas let me know


Well-Known Member
man i dont know wich way to go my other 2 plants i checked this morning have really exploded with siz and bud out put and is were i thought i should be in the grow, but this one plant is lookin so freakin bad. while the others would have a veteran grower happy and excited with the results until he seen this 1 plant
so i am at a paradox ....if i increase or decrease my feeding time it might help the bad plant but might screw up the 2 that are doing greatdont know what to do ....this is what i get for growing different strains ...one is a true sativa its all over the place and one seems to be a true indica its staying small and managable and one is ...hell i only a newb what do i know ....but i am trying and if this first grow fails ill just be more determined so any advice u might think of would be kool
and thanks dirtyboy for your time ...this bowls for u lol


Active Member
I have one plant doing the same thing. the rest look good. did you come up with a solution?


Well-Known Member
i have one plant doing the same thing. The rest look good. Did you come up with a solution?
the problem was that the paticular strain i was growing needed to be feed 1 maybe 2 times a day ....i was feeding it 3 times and it was messing it up ...when i started feeding it 2 times a day and skip a day it pull it self back into shape ...i had to do the same for my clones too they had the same problem (im growing ebb and flow with hydroton)