wilting curling leaves


Well-Known Member
These plants are 17 days into flowering however, the leaves at the top are begining to wilt and curl. there are pictures attatched to this post, i dont know how good they are. most of the fan leaves are gone now due to a lighting accident early on. you can judge from the pics....thanks alot



Well-Known Member
Do plants actually turn light into energy when it is shining below the leaves? I would think mother nature wouldn't set up plants like that. Just a question.


Well-Known Member
In my personal experience, leaves curling at top is either due to heat or over watering, get a fan to circulate air, and cut out the water for a bit, should be good then
all the best to you


Well-Known Member
i think ventilation was the problem, my temps were running about 75-80. i have a white reflective curtain hung around the whole set up and i already had a fan. i turned the fan on a higer setting and rolled the curtain up. over watering shouldn't be the issue, they have been on a the same schedule. i think it was the temps, i'll give them a day or two and let you guys know. thanks alot.


Well-Known Member
Don't flush your plants. Make sure it has adequate water, not too much or too little. How many times have you watered it recently? How much? Is the soil moist? Wet? Mud?


Active Member
Take down that mylar/aluminum! Look how distorted the reflection is..... That thing is only reflecting a very small amount of usable light, and creates hot spots that will burn your foliage. White paint is better!!


Well-Known Member
they get a gallon of distilled water per week, half gallon on weds and another on sun. that keeps the soil moist to the touch when i stick my finger down in a couple inches. after about 3 days the soil dries out a few inches deep and i water. i.e. wednesday/sunday