wilting and yellowing in seedling, help please (photos)

Hey guys

My little girls seam to have a bit of discolouring and wilting on their bottom leaves.
Northern Lights, Fem, Auto.
They have been growing fine under a 300W LED grow light the last 7 days on a 18/6 cycle just under 3 feet away from the light.
Temp fluctuates from 75-88 degrees and humility is between 35 -65 %.
Watered every second day and spray bottled on the leaves to keep humidity up ( the one pictured was watered 2 days in a row as I was told that this may be caused by under watering, but it made the plant droop a little more)
Potted in regular soil mixed with perlite.

need help 2.jpgneed help.jpg


Well-Known Member
too much watering , stop spraying too let them dry temps too high too imo keep under 80 unless you have a CO2 system keep humidity around 30-50%
too much watering , stop spraying too let them dry temps too high too imo keep under 80 unless you have a CO2 system keep humidity around 30-50%
Thought this might be the case. Have you got a rough watering guideline for plants at this stage? Should I Spray them again when they dry out? There is so much conflicting info out there.

In regards to the temperature, they are usually under 80 degrees, maybe every third day they go above and its usually only by a degree or two. Is this going to effect them dramatically?


Well-Known Member
Stop spraying. Don't spray. Stop watering for at least 4 days then evaluate from there. When the soil is totally dry then water. There is no schedule prob 1 watering per week at that stage