Wilma 8 pot questions (Uk grower)

I've been growing in coca for a for while and next week I'm going to buy a Wilma 8 pot system.
I have some plants in 11 litre pots vegging in coco and I will finish them in the Wilma.
As I have a load of canna A & B left is it ok to use it with this system to use it up?

When this grow has finished I intend to buy some proper hydro feed and go onto clay pebbles.
Can anyone recommend an alternative to Canna.
I've always used Canna products but if anyone has changed onto something that produces more bud I'd sure like to know.

As an aside I was looking at a meter from Oakton WD-35425-00
Can anyone give me a thumbs up on this or is there better that I haven't seen?



Well-Known Member
I can say my Oaktons have been great for me ive had em 8yrs.They were like 100.00usd a piece back then dont know the numbers.I keep it simple with nutes and just use the GH line lucas formula,with a little budcandy,and Gravity from Humboldt.And Clearex for flush.


Try out a brand called ferro. been using for a wile now great stuff. specificly made for london water. i have a wilma 8 pot system aswel. but i would say the nft is better.
Try out a brand called ferro. been using for a wile now great stuff. specificly made for london water. i have a wilma 8 pot system aswel. but i would say the nft is better.
Thanks mate. I got the Wilma, in fact I've just put a post up asking for more advice. I'll check the food you mentioned.
Are you using clay pebbles in yours? I like the wilma but I'm not so sure about the feed ends.
I may make up some circular feed tubes instead of those spike affairs.
I can say my Oaktons have been great for me ive had em 8yrs.They were like 100.00usd a piece back then dont know the numbers.I keep it simple with nutes and just use the GH line lucas formula,with a little budcandy,and Gravity from Humboldt.And Clearex for flush.
Thanks fella. Good gear costs its true but rewards in the long run.