Willy and the Jew,s Sog Kushberry,Whitewidow,White Rhino,Nemesis with Pics


Well-Known Member
i sprouted my blueberry last night and chopped down the last of the nemesis and as soon as the w/rhino come down i will be fully coco. will post pics of the harvest later tonight.


Well-Known Member
looking gud. give it a few days an it will blow ya min. i hope. well ill stay tuned for the smoke report

i have actually being growing/smokin this strain for a few month but this is the first lot i have let go 10 weeks. should hopefully make me lie on the floor in a puddle of my own dribble lol :bigjoint:

I will def stay tuned for a smoke report.

Great job. :clap:
thanks alot wicked, i,ll see what i can do.:bigjoint:

A few nice spliffs there willy!
yeah 1 or 2 haha lol.:bigjoint:

I wouldn't throw them out of bed..... Looks good, How long are you planning to cure them, or is this a dry and smoke harvest?
well i usually jar it all up and then smoke from just one of the jars while the overs cure, but i still got weed from my last harvest so my smoke jar will cure for a week or so before i smoke the shit out of it lol....gotta have that cure:bigjoint:

nice haul you got there willy! stinking up a storm?
stinking like a tramp lying in his own piss lol. been keeping people away from my gaff for past three days..:bigjoint:

and im the first to bump his pics lol, nive pink airer hahaha
thanks for the bump westy....and i bought the pink airer to show my feminine side lol



Well-Known Member
so i weighed in my harvest today, it was 76.9grams. which aint bad considering my clones where short and skinny. have'nt smoked any yet cos i still got some left from last time, but the jew is on it like a fat kid on a cream cake.lol


Well-Known Member
fat stoners love space cake lol...you got you exodus cheese and psycho back yet don?
there seems to be alot of cheese going around down round my end.


Well-Known Member
you'll prob still get yours before i get mine tho....patience is the key, and you need alot of it in this game as you well know..