willowing...PLEASE HELP!!


Well-Known Member
What guudbud said. +1

And i disagree on the topic of why most growers don't like miracle grow. I started with the basics, dolomite lime, bone/blood meal, wood ash. More than 10 years ago. I don't like miracle grow because of the quality of the chemicals they use, and I wouldn't want those chemicals to eventually end up in my body. I think a lot of people could back me up on this one.

As far as the terrible look of the plants. I believe he said it happened after he sprayed with the fungicide from home depot. Unless I'm mistaken.

The same wilting will happen if you spray your plants with the lights on. Also the spray might be clogging the pores on the leaves. That's what it looks like to me.

What I'd do...

1. Foliar spray throughly with plain water and a drop of soap.

2. Flush the soil throughly with plain pHed water.

3. Repot into bigger containers.

4. Continue foliar spray of revive, or use superthrive, or a compareable product.

5. Buy some decent fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
thats most of your problem! root bound like a mofo!!! trans that bitch feed it some ph'd water of the earth for a week with NO nutes! then on week 2 begin to feed with nutes again at half strength...spread your feedings out as well!
so i shouldn't feed them nutes every time i water them?


Well-Known Member
Currently you should be focused on reviving them.

And yes I'd flush them every 3rd feeding.

Does my post make sense?

You should take a little time to do some basic research, check out the FAQ link in the toolbar.


Well-Known Member
What guudbud said. +1

And i disagree on the topic of why most growers don't like miracle grow. I started with the basics, dolomite lime, bone/blood meal, wood ash. More than 10 years ago. I don't like miracle grow because of the quality of the chemicals they use, and I wouldn't want those chemicals to eventually end up in my body. I think a lot of people could back me up on this one.

As far as the terrible look of the plants. I believe he said it happened after he sprayed with the fungicide from home depot. Unless I'm mistaken.

The same wilting will happen if you spray your plants with the lights on. Also the spray might be clogging the pores on the leaves. That's what it looks like to me.

What I'd do...

1. Foliar spray throughly with plain water and a drop of soap.

2. Flush the soil throughly with plain pHed water.

3. Repot into bigger containers.

4. Continue foliar spray of revive, or use superthrive, or a compareable product.

5. Buy some decent fertilizer.
...right now i am using mg moisture control potting soil since day one.
...there was only yellow spotting b4 i started using the fungicide, now there is brown coming into the yellow spots and my plants are wilting and tips are starting to turn brown(even on new leaves).
...i moved the lights from 5" to about 15" last night to see if they were getting burned by the lights which i doubt it. here is my light setup...

^^^that is 2 day light bulbs, and 2 warm bulbs in 2 4' shop light things. and inbetween those are 2 100w cfl's in each of the pie dishes( i use those for reflectors to get the full use out of my cfl's), which there are 2. and 1 150w cfl in the middle with a reflector as well. the 5 cfl's were recently added last night. my soil plants are below my 150w cfl surrounded by the other lights aswell.


Well-Known Member
Currently you should be focused on reviving them.

And yes I'd flush them every 3rd feeding.

Does my post make sense?

You should take a little time to do some basic research, check out the FAQ link in the toolbar.
well everything you are saying is making sense, just what does flushing mean??


Well-Known Member
I just had a HUGE spider mite infestation and I fucked my plant royally. First most mites will live white spots on the top but they are on the bottom of the leaves. Next the neem oil is not a mite killer but a mite interrupter, meaning it stops them from laying eggs, shedding their shells, etc... I sprayed neems, and pyrethrum. be careful not to over do the snipping of those leaves. Yes take some of the worst ones off but the plant needs those leaves. Trust me I over did it and threw the whole plant into a whirling vortex of yellowness!!!. I accidently mixed the measurment of neems with the measurment of the pyrethrum. OOOPSSS won't be doing that again. Fucking ROOKIE mistake on my part. Take a jewlers loop, magnifying glass etc... and look under the leaves and you can darn sure see them if they are there, which I think thats not the case. I can't sit here and say what it is for sure, but do a little more investigating. And be careful with your sticky traps. They can get all sorts of stuck to shit you don't want stuck LOL
I always use MG and it gets a bad rap go ahead and use it at half strength, but I'm questioning how much water, and the pot size, and yes you mix a drop of soap in with the neems oil and the pyrethrum
Neem Insecticide - Neem Oil Insecticide - Does It Work? check it yo.... i use neem oil all over my farm it rocks but you do have to keep spraying once a week at least on stubborn pests,,, iv'e always mixed it with bt but definatly wanna mix in dish soap it makes it stick to the leaves better, good luck


Well-Known Member
Flushing= plain water feeding with excess runoff. Rinse out the extra fertilizer, and I DO think you over fertilized, and the lights had nothing to do with it, drop them back down.


Well-Known Member
Like I said just do what you can on your particular budget. I love the set up. The pans are a great idea, way to use your brain. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money!! Here is some pictures I went and took just a few minutes ago of my finished/cured stash and I grew it with plain old shop lights and MG soil and I want you to see that it can be done very afford ably. I am in no way saying either way is right or wrong just do what you can in your situation.



Well-Known Member
I forgot to say that last picture is of my living plant, the one I threw into a whirling vortex of yellowness.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh we get to post pics of our buds?

-This was grown certified organic

That is one BEAUTIFUL bud great job. I wasn't trying to hijack just wanted to show what can happen. And your way is your way. again I give you props NICE next time I'll click a pic. I'm just going to take a plant now. Well in 3 days. GREAT JOB !! I am in no way saying your wrong and I'm right. You obviously you know what your doing. Just stating there are different methods to everything.


Well-Known Member
Neem Insecticide - Neem Oil Insecticide - Does It Work? check it yo.... i use neem oil all over my farm it rocks but you do have to keep spraying once a week at least on stubborn pests,,, iv'e always mixed it with bt but definatly wanna mix in dish soap it makes it stick to the leaves better, good luck
thank you for explaining the concept in using the soap, i was wonderin why everyone said soap, but with no reason...thanks


Well-Known Member
Flushing= plain water feeding with excess runoff. Rinse out the extra fertilizer, and I DO think you over fertilized, and the lights had nothing to do with it, drop them back down.
i transplanted the plant and have trimmed off the dead leafs, or w/e was wrong with them and i am still using 1/2 strength mg with watering, i will take pics later to show where i transplanted them and i might go ahead and move the lights back closer to the plant


Well-Known Member
Like I said just do what you can on your particular budget. I love the set up. The pans are a great idea, way to use your brain. It doesn't have to cost a lot of money!! Here is some pictures I went and took just a few minutes ago of my finished/cured stash and I grew it with plain old shop lights and MG soil and I want you to see that it can be done very afford ably. I am in no way saying either way is right or wrong just do what you can in your situation.
nice plant and very nice bud, i love the camera you got too, clear as hell

is there anyway to make my brown tipped leaves can be fixed as in the first pics? or will they remain brown


Well-Known Member
Yeah, organics mean no synthetic chemicals, mostly different types of poop, and natural extracts, fungi, and bacteria.

You should really heed the advice to do a thourough flush, water with plan water about a full gallon per plant, it'll rinse out all the extra miracle grow in the soil. (This is called salt buildup, when excess nutrients are left in the soil)

Also if you haven't rinsed off the crap you sprayed them with, do so.

And seriously, I'm beginning to get a little tired of walking you through the process, if you check out the grow FAQ, it will do you a lot of good.

Maryjane- I wasn't saying you said anything wrong, I just saw you posted some bud pics, so I wanted to shoot one in ;)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, organics mean no synthetic chemicals, mostly different types of poop, and natural extracts, fungi, and bacteria.

You should really heed the advice to do a thourough flush, water with plan water about a full gallon per plant, it'll rinse out all the extra miracle grow in the soil. (This is called salt buildup, when excess nutrients are left in the soil)

Also if you haven't rinsed off the crap you sprayed them with, do so.

And seriously, I'm beginning to get a little tired of walking you through the process, if you check out the grow FAQ, it will do you a lot of good.

Maryjane- I wasn't saying you said anything wrong, I just saw you posted some bud pics, so I wanted to shoot one in ;)
alright well how will i wash the plant, just spray them with water or someting?