Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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There is live attenuated vaccine which is a small, small amt designed for your immune system to develop antibodies for specific mutated strains of a virus. Then there is the other kind, 'dead' virus DNA is injected causing to make antibodies but needs boosters. I will not take something "live" .bc they don't know jack about this covid-19s true potential...as they don't know the adverse reaction in future. Next generation, following generation. Dioxins in the 60s during the plastic revolution made fertility problems not on the generation, but the next. And this was a year in development???? It takes 7 years to get a medical patent, that's 7 years of trials, changes and attempts to limit the side effects. HOW CAN THEY DO THAT IN A YEAR??? begin the conspiracy scares. I'm not saying I don't have my own crazy theories, but there are facts to consider. Don't believe everything you hear, I was very surprised on that poll. I thought no would surpass yes with most of us being mostly au naturals for the majority.
I love when people point to a problem in the medical science from a time before computers and think that it is in anyway shape or form how it is today.

I would question why you think it was created in only one year?

The science is decades in the making of this vaccine.

And as far as 'what you hear', I would suggest looking at it on apnews.com because there is too much noise to trust any other source (unless you are some vaccine specialist or something, which you saying this was created in one year would suggest not, no offense meant by that, I am not one either).
Quite a bit of the development time is red tape. They cut that to speed things up, but I do concur that many corners were also cut on the testing front to get it out the door. It is what it is, having ingested all sorts of weird crap over the years...my take is what's one more.
True. Now I'm thinking of all the laced weed and coke and LSD I did "in college". Fuck...
I love when people point to a problem in the medical science from a time before computers and think that it is in anyway shape or form how it is today.

I would question why you think it was created in only one year?

The science is decades in the making of this vaccine.

And as far as 'what you hear', I would suggest looking at it on apnews.com because there is too much noise to trust any other source (unless you are some vaccine specialist or something, which you saying this was created in one year would suggest not, no offense meant by that, I am not one either).
No, not a developer. LoL. But how could it be years I'm the making if patient 0 was over a year ago? Suggesting someone knew ahead of the pandemic?
No, not a developer. LoL. But how could it be years I'm the making if patient 0 was over a year ago? Suggesting someone knew ahead of the pandemic?
Covid-19 because the '19' is when this particular strain was discovered, it doesn't make it the first corona virus though.

Where do you get your information about the vaccines currently, you seem pretty dug in on a lot of the talking points that get pushed by the trolls (not saying you are one, welcome btw if you are new and not just one of the endless sock puppets that join the site to push the conspiracies, the trolling gets overwhelming at times, so remember you always have your ignore button if people are trolling you, it is impossible to tell who is or isn't a troll) here.

Here you go about the vaccine development:

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Greatest number of side effects of ANY vaccine in the last decade. I only have a degree in microbiology, so what do I know...
Then why are you acting like it is saying anything other than a butt load of people got a vaccine in a very short period of time respective to others that were used with this system?

I would think the whole causation vs correlation thing goes out the window?

How many people die in America everyday? Are you saying that this is somehow more than what you would expect?
There is live attenuated vaccine which is a small, small amt designed for your immune system to develop antibodies for specific mutated strains of a virus. Then there is the other kind, 'dead' virus DNA is injected causing to make antibodies but needs boosters. I will not take something "live" .bc they don't know jack about this covid-19s true potential...as they don't know the adverse reaction in future. Next generation, following generation. Dioxins in the 60s during the plastic revolution made fertility problems not on the generation, but the next. And this was a year in development???? It takes 7 years to get a medical patent, that's 7 years of trials, changes and attempts to limit the side effects. HOW CAN THEY DO THAT IN A YEAR??? begin the conspiracy scares. I'm not saying I don't have my own crazy theories, but there are facts to consider. Don't believe everything you hear, I was very surprised on that poll. I thought no would surpass yes with most of us being mostly au naturals for the majority.
The rNA vaccines are only a snip of the virus, the spike protein part. The other ones I am not that up on, I decided I would only take the rNA vaccines if I had the chance. The vaccines developed were taken off the shelf as most of them have their origin due to SARS. The testing phase was accelerated but that may be more a case of a great deal of money thrown at it in a short period of time. Vaccines were a low return of investment before this, only can ask for so much money a year from investors that won't return much. Not the case here.

The thought that any vaccine is 100% effective and safe is a fallacy. Almost any drug or vaccine and treatment is not 100% effective and safe. But we do it anyway and deal with the consequences as they arise. The alternative is not all that great. Now it is a question of whether a person is buying into society or saying I do not want any of the shared responsibility. If you do not want to help the rest of your fellow citizens get over this hickup in , history, please isolate yourself in some far off place with no travel between your group and the rest of us for the time we knock the virus out and you all die.

Thank you.
Complications related co morbidities, but ppl live for 25-30 years and die from cancer or heart attacks before AIDS will kill them... -Not idiot...besides it's one sentence you needed to bring up world wide specifics? Aficam countries when polyamourous relationships are the way, the whole village gets HIV. I'm talking about the developed world...even they have access to meds and prenatal care to help. But I wasn't talking about them...

Care to try that again in English?
Covid-19 because the '19' is when this particular strain was discovered, it doesn't make it the first corona virus though.

Where do you get your information about the vaccines currently, you seem pretty dug in on a lot of the talking points that get pushed by the trolls (not saying you are one, welcome btw if you are new and not just one of the endless sock puppets that join the site to push the conspiracies, the trolling gets overwhelming at times, so remember you always have your ignore button if people are trolling you, it is impossible to tell who is or isn't a troll) here.

Here you go about the vaccine development:

Not a troll. I'm actually a RN, MNS. I was not trying to argue and I do know it was the 19, but 1-18 didn't cause the pandemic, and coronaviruses are hard to protect you from. They pick strains to knock out with vaccination yearly influenza, so who is to say that it now mutates and they've focused on antibody production for 19? As far as I've been taught for each variant thats another strain that isn't covered...idk, I'm not a troll, I'm a fairly educated person that doesn't believe the side efx and breakdown of our citizens into categories. Or vaccinate the whole world? It won't be eradicated bc of ppl like me, I know. But these ppl walking around pretending to be vaccinated not utilizing the one method that sure stops the spread.... Social distancing and efforts medical facilities and personel have taken to stop the spread is what has lowered the numbers of acquisition prior to releasing 3 different developed vaccines? Another way to split the population. Politics, disease, racial divides, religious divides, gender influence that doesn't comply with someone's opinion...i just feel like all this above mentioned divided, that we are slowly becoming antisocial and over opinionated pot stirrers. And I'm sorry if I came off like that...I simply saw a conversation where I liked the back n forth without nailing each other to crosses. Sorry if I came off as a troll. I didn't post googled stats, I only added or slightly challenged a too hot conversation I guess. This newbie will stick to growing and smoking. Sorry
As smart as we are about nursing, is as smart as you are about virology. Just because you can drive a car, doesn't mean you can drive a train.
As smart as we are about nursing, is as smart as you are about virology. Just because you can drive a car, doesn't mean you can drive a train.
Well 6 years of science and theory should put me in a position to speak. I can't fly a plane, but I bet it you taught me about the train I would learn quick.
Then why are you acting like it is saying anything other than a butt load of people got a vaccine in a very short period of time respective to others that were used with this system?

I would think the whole causation vs correlation thing goes out the window?

How many people die in America everyday? Are you saying that this is somehow more than what you would expect?
No...it's ppl die from things that covid amplified. If someone had copd and gets it, probably going to get really ill. So if they take it, side efx are in my opinion a decent gamble than drowning in your own fluid, unable to breathe. I actually don't say anything to ppl received or scheduled to. They've did their research, or whatever reason that they choose. I am not taking it, but that's my choice. Wasn't stirring anything, but raw nerves here, and I'm sorry.
Complications related co morbidities, but ppl live for 25-30 years and die from cancer or heart attacks before AIDS will kill them... -Not idiot...besides it's one sentence you needed to bring up world wide specifics? Aficam countries when polyamourous relationships are the way, the whole village gets HIV. I'm talking about the developed world...even they have access to meds and prenatal care to help. But I wasn't talking about them...
I go to RIU for all my medical advice.

I was amazed at how many experts in epidemiology, virology, immunology and the other medical sciences post here. I am amazed at the generosity of spirit displayed by posters like you.

Also, Plasma Beings. please tell us about Plasma Beings.
Speak about your experience with treatment, sure.
Forum was about vaccine, not my job experience. And grad school was interns in OR, law firms and labs. Versatile, so you've no idea what my minor, major or thesis consisted of. I'm not using degrees to chit chat. I was just saying it laid pavement for me to proceed with caution and informed decisions. Not trying to change the world. It's just nice to chat w ppl other than my family and friends. I really meant no harm.