Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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  • Yes.

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You: The virus will evade the vaccine

Me: Viruses are just particles that contain mRNA. They don't "evade" anything.

What? do you think coronavirus has a teensy brain and after evading the last round of vaccines is plotting it's next move against humanity? Oh man that's funny.

So, yeah, I'm laughing at the antivaxxers because they are so ignorant. Speaking of which, it's your choice of course it is. So is the choice to make vaccination a condition of employment. So is the right of employers to take steps to ensure the safety of all their employees and customers. You go ahead and make your choice but also be prepared for consequences.

uh no - i said it's possible that it can mutate to evade it - and you say no - but even tho it is possible to mutate beyond the shots capability - you know more than me because you read things online
uh no - i said it's possible that it can mutate to evade it - and you say no - but even tho it is possible to mutate beyond the shots capability - you know more than me because you read things online
The word "evade" attributes intelligence to the virus. The virus has the same amount of intelligence as lint.
8 April — New coronavirus variants muscle aside potent antibodies

Fast-spreading coronavirus variants identified in California blunt the antibody response triggered by vaccines.

In early 2021, researchers studying coronaviruses collected in California spotted a pair of SARS-CoV-2 variants that share several mutations affecting the spike protein, which the virus uses to infect cells. The variants, B.1.427 and B.1.429, have been identified in 30 countries and most US states and, by February 2021, accounted for more than half of the SARS-CoV-2 viruses sequenced from California.

To better gauge any threat posed by the variants, David Veesler at the University of Washington in Seattle and his colleagues conducted laboratory tests of the variants’ ability to elude infection-blocking molecules called neutralizing antibodies (M. McCallum et al. Preprint at bioRxiv https://doi.org/f5jq; 2021). The tests showed that neutralizing antibodies generated by people who had received two doses of either the Pfizer or the Moderna vaccine were, on average, three times less potent against viruses with the spike-protein mutations found in B.1.427 and B.1.429 than against viruses lacking those mutations. The findings have not yet been peer reviewed.
There's chlorine in salt

Chlorine is deadly

Do you eat salt, you liberal retard
Only liberally.

Alright. That was mean. But couldn't resist. Humor outweighed the harm.

And the list of chemicals added to our food last year alone for the first time. Most untested by the FDA. You are a test rat for thousands of worse things daily. Still putting that cancer generator to your ear all day?
OK - you go ahead and fight

i do wear my mask - and im ok with it - i do as im asked to do in that regard

i just dont want that shot

i dont wanna take that risk - and you guys think im a conspiracy theorist just for that alone

i mean cmon man
I haven't seen you called that by anyone. If you are being trolled, that is why you have a 'ignore feature'. Welcome to RIU.

You might be a 'conspiracy theorist' or another in the endless line of paid militarized troll sock puppets that are just pushing shit you are paid to, or you could truly believe this because of all the propaganda that you have consumed over your entire time online (useful idiot).

but look at this:

i guess there's some scientists who are smarter than you that are saying it's more intelligent than humans

crazy isn't it


Smarter than him when it suits you, dumber than you when it suits you. That inconsistency is what I'm talking about and it's the first odor to emanate from bs.
but look at this:

i guess there's some scientists who are smarter than you that are saying it's more intelligent than humans

crazy isn't it

Did they say the virus "evades" vaccines? lulz It doesn't matter. You are grasping at straws and could only find a "mostly factual" right wing media outlet based in India. Didn't open it. Find something from a better source. Did you even read it? Did you understand it?

I'm not expecting much, just that you make your choice and live with the consequences. You will live with the consequences whether you like it or not. Unless, that is, you succumb to the virus.

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