Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

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if im a vaxxed nurse or doc, my choice not to take care of them. my choice, right??
their decision not to get vaccinated was irresponsible. it's like when a white thug gets killed by the police who claim the thug was resisting arrest: if only the dumb white had complied they would still be alive, why should the doctors and nurses alter their lifestyles to accommodate the lazy, entitled minorities who refuse to get the vaccine?
It's gonna look pretty bad in a couple of weeks if this keeps up, Florida alone accounts for 20% of new cases and soon the red low vax, no mask states might account for the vast majority of infections. The vaccine reluctant are everywhere though and so will the delta variant, so I expect everybody is gonna get hit one way or another, some more than others though.
Destroying your kidneys by being an alcoholic.... Was irresponsible. Now you demand others pay for your mistakes and live the life you want. Not them. You.

I'm not wearing a mask to protect someone wearing a mask. Answer is No on that one too.

Again, our bodies our choice and our choice alone. Nobody made you pick that bottle up. Nobody demanded you drink yourself to sickness.

Power to the People. From Cuba to France. Canada and America. Australia to the UK. Love Peace and Chicken grease.

Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say
The regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier to requirements, former government officials said.

WASHINGTON — The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted.

The three vaccines authorized by the FDA for emergency use against the coronavirus have proven safe and effective under that expedited review process and in the real world, and doctors and the nation's top public health officials have said there's no need for anyone to wait to get inoculated.

But as the pace of vaccinations lags and concerns about the highly-contagious delta variant grow, the official regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier for businesses and government agencies that want to require vaccinations for their employees and customers, former health officials from the Biden and the Obama administrations said.

“I think once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table, and I think that everything will be on the table at the level of municipalities, states, employers, venues, government agencies,” said Andy Slavitt, who stepped down as President Joe Biden’s Covid response coordinator last month and remains in close contact with administration officials.

Many institutions, including colleges and universities, have long required certain immunizations. Still, the suggestion of Covid vaccine mandates, whether by local governments for school children or by businesses for their customers, has so far been met with sharp resistance — primarily from conservative lawmakers and activists.

Vaccine mandates more likely once FDA grants full approvals, health experts say
The regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier to requirements, former government officials said.

WASHINGTON — The United States could see a wave of Covid-19 vaccine mandates as soon as the Food and Drug Administration grants full approval to one or more of the shots, public health experts predicted.

The three vaccines authorized by the FDA for emergency use against the coronavirus have proven safe and effective under that expedited review process and in the real world, and doctors and the nation's top public health officials have said there's no need for anyone to wait to get inoculated.

But as the pace of vaccinations lags and concerns about the highly-contagious delta variant grow, the official regulatory signoff would remove a significant legal and public relations barrier for businesses and government agencies that want to require vaccinations for their employees and customers, former health officials from the Biden and the Obama administrations said.

“I think once the vaccines go through full FDA approval, everything should be on the table, and I think that everything will be on the table at the level of municipalities, states, employers, venues, government agencies,” said Andy Slavitt, who stepped down as President Joe Biden’s Covid response coordinator last month and remains in close contact with administration officials.

Many institutions, including colleges and universities, have long required certain immunizations. Still, the suggestion of Covid vaccine mandates, whether by local governments for school children or by businesses for their customers, has so far been met with sharp resistance — primarily from conservative lawmakers and activists.

bleach okay..vaccine not so much.
Unvaccinated say vaccines more dangerous than COVID-19: poll
Unvaccinated individuals believe the coronavirus vaccine is more dangerous than the virus, according to a poll conducted by Yahoo News and YouGov.

The poll found 37 percent of unvaccinated individuals believe the vaccines pose greater health risks than the virus while 29 percent acknowledge the coronavirus is a greater health risk than the vaccines, which studies have shown are effective in reducing cases, hospitalizations and deaths.

Thirty-four percent of individuals were unsure which poses a greater threat to their health.

The poll found 37 percent are not getting the vaccine due to concerns about long-term side effects, 17 percent don’t trust the government, 16 percent believe the vaccine is too new, 11 percent cite that it is not fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration and six percent are against any sort of vaccine.

The poll also showed that many unvaccinated people do not see the delta variant as a significant threat. Thirty percent of unvaccinated individuals said the Delta variant wasn’t a serious threat to anyone, while 33 percent of unvaccinated individuals said the Delta variant was a serious threat to all people. Seventeen percent said it was a threat to unvaccinated individuals.
Hannity: 'I believe in the science of vaccination'
"Please take COVID seriously, I can't say it enough. Enough people have died. We don't need any more deaths," Hannity said on his prime-time show. "Research like crazy, talk to your doctor, your doctors, medical professionals you trust based on your unique medical history, your current medical condition, and you and your doctor make a very important decision for your own safety. Take it seriously."

Hannity also stressed the importance of "medical privacy" and "doctor-patient confidentiality."

"I believe in science, I believe in the science of vaccination," he added.

Fellow Fox New hosts Steve Doocy and Bill Hemmer also made statements in support of vaccinations on Monday.

The New York Times published a piece last week going over the statements prime-time hosts Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham have made that have been "at odds with the recommendations of health experts" in regards to vaccines.
DeSantis downplays increase in COVID-19 cases
“It’s a seasonal virus and this is the seasonal pattern it follows in the Sun Belt states,” DeSantis told reporters at a press conference. He also said that he expects COVID-19 cases to decline next month.

DeSantis’s remarks came as new cases of COVID-19 are on the rise, driven by the spread of the more infectious Delta variant. Florida has emerged as the epicenter of the recent surge, with about one in five new cases nationwide coming from the Sunshine State.

On Monday, DeSantis blamed public health experts for spreading what he called “misinformation” and offering “bad advice” with regard to the pandemic. He also suggested that the same experts were undermining their own vaccine initiatives by talking down to people who have yet to get one of the three approved COVID-19 vaccines.

“I do not agree with some of these people, some of these quote unquote experts who lambast people and criticize them or say they’re stupid or something,” DeSantis said. “That’s not the way to reach folks, okay?”

“I do not agree with some of these people, some of these quote unquote experts who lambast people and criticize them or say they’re stupid or something,” DeSantis said. “That’s not the way to reach folks, okay?”

Despite his criticism of public health officials on Monday, DeSantis also touted the efficacy of the available COVID-19 vaccines, saying that they have proved effective at preventing severe illness and hospitalization.

"Understand, a positive test is not a clinical diagnosis of illness and so if you're vaccinated and you test positive but you don't get sick, well the name of the game is to keep people out of the hospital,” he said.

Sucking and blowing at the same time.
Another one of Stinkys Darwin award winners.

owning the libtards.