Will You Take The Vaccine?

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That's actually not true, and if you were to do some legitimate research on the subject you would also conclude that natural immunity from a previous infection is a much more robust form of protection from variants and new strains in comparison to a strain-specific vax. This is exactly why people who have been previously infected aren't getting Delta, but vaxxed people are. It won't be much different with new strains, because of the was T-cell immunity works.

When I got covid the first time, I did just stay home. Thanks for your empathy and compassion brother.
Go fish lol.
More Than 1,000 New COVID Cases Hit Missouri, Arkansas For Third Day
Arkansas and Missouri have both reported a third straight day of more than 1,000 new COVID-19 cases, with the surge being blamed in part on the delta strain and lagging vaccination rates.

Republican Gov. Asa Hutchison posted the numbers on his Twitter page, showing that the state's Department of Health reported more than 1,155 new coronavirus cases on Friday.

Missouri, meanwhile, also recorded over 1,000 new coronavirus infections for the third day in a row, reports The Hill.

The numbers were up slightly from Wednesday when 1,000 new cases were reported, but fewer than on Thursday, when 1,210 new cases were reported.

Hutchison has started town halls aimed at increasing vaccinations and last month implored state residents to get their shots.

“The overwhelming majority of COVID patients in the hospital have not been vaccinated," he said. "These vaccines are effective, but we need more Arkansans to get the shot.

According to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, just under 35% of Arkansas' population has been fully vaccinated. The state has reported 355,460 coronavirus infections since the pandemic's beginning, on Friday reported four new deaths from the disease, bringing the overall death toll to 5,948.

Meanwhile, in Missouri, more than half of the state's residents have not gotten their COVID vaccines, and the state trails only neighboring Arkansas in the number of people becoming ill with the renewed spread of the disease also being blamed on the delta variant, reports The Hill.

As of Friday, the Missouri Health Department has recorded a total of 533,670 coronavirus cases, an increase of 1,544 cases from Thursday, marking the third day with more than 1,000 new infections.

State data shows that 45.1% of the population has gotten at least one shot, with 39.6% being fully immunized

And from the unwashed.

How many of those cases were flown in from the border??

as a general rule i don't take experimental "vaccines" that are imposed by liberals

Two States that are winning the COVID-19 Death Lottery.

Oh the humanity! People are catching colds!

What this article omits. How many of those thousand new cases a day were just bused to those states from the Rio Grande border thanks to José Biden.

It’s easy to manipulate “positive” tests. So easy that high schoolers were doing it to get out of school. The Biden-government is a hoax.
In the paper,

"In the late 1980s, reports had emerged that German physicians were successfully treating HIV patients with 03-AHT (Autohemotherapy)"

"Canadian authorities authorized the study to test safety and efficacy of 03-AHT in AIDS patients."

Looking up Autohemotherapy - Autohemotherapy, or self-blood therapy, involves the extraction of approximately ½ pint of the patient's blood. Once safely extracted, the blood is mixed with a combination of saline and medical-grade ozone gas before it is returned to the patient through an IV drip over several minutes.

Now, looking up the Canadian study ,

Eligibility for heroin-assisted treatment (HAT) among people who inject opioids and are living with HIV in a Canadian setting

A growing body of evidence supports the effectiveness of injectable diacetylmorphine (i.e., heroin) for individuals with treatment-refractory opioid use disorder. Despite this evidence, and the increasing toll of opioid-associated morbidity and mortality, it remains controversial in some settings. To investigate the possible contribution of heroin-assisted treatment (HAT) to HIV treatment-related outcomes, we sought to estimate the proportion and characteristics of HIV-positive people who inject opioids that might be eligible for HAT in Vancouver, Canada.

"To investigate the possible contribution of heroin-assisted treatment (HAT) to HIV treatment-related outcomes"


So the ozone paper lies about Canadians using ozone to treat patients. Or maybe they did not lie, they just did not bother to read the paper other than the Canadians use the same letters HAT, rather than AHT. It is pretty easy how the ozone people could get this wrong, sipping on O3 for too long.

It is funny that the ozone people did not include the Canadian authorization in their references. Must have slipped up I guess.
Can't find any German government approval of the use of ozone. Just seems to be a bunch of homeopath types that tout it. They set up their own institutions to apear that they are no more than quack medicine, the German institute based in Cypress.
uh oh! any covid survivors better rethink immunity.
the more you know...
uh oh! any covid survivors better rethink immunity.
the more you know...
but peejers said it was not allowed to.