Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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So you can't debate my facts? Guess that means I won.
If it was all that and a bag of potato chips it would be produced and sold to the rest of the world. I had to put together a capabilities blurb to hawk a rocket. I looked over all the tests and data and, well there were holes. I brought it up and I was told, "Don't lie but just push the positive points." Not that it was a bad rocket, it was used for many years.
If that was an orbital or sounding rocket, I would be fascinated to know the model.
If that was an orbital or sounding rocket, I would be fascinated to know the model.
Wasn't orbital. Wasn't sounding. I did have some sounding rockets cross my path and they would have been cool to see go up. I was only temporarily in the job as they needed work on a new design done and another project was delaying the people they wanted in the position. They never told me that, I just found out afterward when I was out of a job. But that is business, they do not have to play nice. I did cross the path of the director of the department years later, and after he left the room an engineer said, "There seems to have been a little tension between the two of you."
I received the second shot of Pfizer yesterday. Like the first, there's a little soreness in my arm that I didn't even notice until I went to bed. Even then, I only notice it when I raise my arm. Just a little soreness. If you grew up active, you've learned to deal with pain and tend to ignore it. No symptoms of illness. I am considered an anti-vaxxer, having never received a flu shot, but I'm not a crusader. Get the flu shot, I don't care. Get an abortion, I don't care. Marry anyone, I don't care. (I don't believe the govt. has any role in marriage, anyway).
But, this virus, and all the variants we knew would come, is different. At 66, I won't take the risk. In my youth, I wanted to parachute. No longer. We all know a lot of dead people.
I don't think I got to tell ya'll (was banned from this thread at the time) about my buddy who got the J&J shot a few weeks ago and it triggered shingles in him. His face was swollen up for a week. True story. Good times.
“I’ve never seen anything like this in my 20 years in health care,” Dr. Thomas Tobin, the chief medical examiner in Community Hospital in Grand Junction, told The Daily Beast, adding that his hospital is almost at capacity. “Pretty much everyone that’s coming into the hospital is unvaccinated. Some of those people swear they don’t believe in COVID all the way up to when they’re in their hospital room, strapped to machines.”

“And now with Country Jam? From a medical standpoint, the question is how much worse is it going to get for us here in Mesa.”
Gee, a old guy with shingles, what are the odds. I've had shingles along with a shit load of other people that had chickenpox as a kid.
Yeah, that pea-brain is just saying anything that he thinks will garner him some attention. Now the idiot says he has kids??? If they want to go to school they will have to be vaccinated! :roll:
