Will You Take The Vaccine?

Are you going to take the corona virus vaccine?

  • No.

  • Yes.

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"Snowflake" is supposed to somehow be an insult? To me anyone using that term is just an embarrassment to themselves. It's something that Don Trump Jr would be tweeting in 2019. Get a grip kids.
"Snowflake" is supposed to somehow be an insult? To me anyone using that term is just an embarrassment to themselves. It's something that Don Trump Jr would be tweeting in 2019. Get a grip kids.
I can only hope and pray to be as cool and awesome as you some day!
IQ is determined by dividing your total score by your age and on that bases alone he's twice as smart. :lol: But there are other factors that make him even smarter than you in comparison.
No I just don’t want to. So what

It is a personal choice. Here is hoping your choice doesn't kill you or even worse, someone else.
If you can ensure you will not catch the virus and either end up in a hospital or pass it on then we will be fine with that.
GOP Doctors Target Vaccine Hesitancy, Says Shot Will End Restrictions (businessinsider.com)

GOP doctors in Congress are targeting vaccine hesitancy with a video that says the shot will help 'end the government's restrictions on our freedoms'

  • Polls show Republicans are more likely to not want a COVID-19 vaccine.
  • A group of GOP lawmakers, who are also doctors, are encouraging people to get the shot.
  • Vaccine hesitancy could stop or slow the US from reaching herd immunity, experts say.
Americans who identify as Republicans are less likely to get a COVID-19 vaccine, prompting GOP lawmakers to address the issue in a public service announcement released this week.

The video features a group of Republican members of Congress who are also doctors or other healthcare providers, some donning white coats, urging Americans to get vaccinated.

"It's obvious to me from a medical standpoint, the only way to protect ourselves and your loved ones," says Rep. Greg Murphy.

"And to end the government's restrictions on our freedoms," Rep. Larry Bucshon continues, "is to take action and get the vaccine."

Experts have warned that vaccine hesitancy could stop the US from reaching herd immunity, which requires an estimated 70% of people to have immunity to COVID-19, Insider's Dr. Catherine Schuster-Bruce reported. As vaccine supply swells in the US, some healthcare providers are running out of people interested in taking the shot, even prompting some mass-vaccination sites to close.

Republicans have especially shown hesitation toward getting vaccinated, despite some GOP leaders, including former president Donald Trump, getting vaccinated and talking up the shots. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urged Republican men to get vaccinated last month after polls showed the group was especially hesitant.

Recent polls have shown nearly half of Americans who identify as Republicans do not plan to get vaccinated. One poll found white Republicans are more likely than any other group to turn down the shot, Insider's Andrea Michelson reported.

Even as more than 100 million Americans are now fully vaccinated, an analysis by The New York Times last month found that counties that voted for Trump had disproportionately low vaccination rates.

In the new PSA, the lawmakers touted the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines and praised Trump's Operation Warp Speed for their development in record time.

"The process was rigorous and transparent," Rep. Brian Babin said, with Rep. Andy Harris adding, "the FDA did not skip any steps."
If you can ensure you will not catch the virus and either end up in a hospital or pass it on then we will be fine with that.
Yeah, nobody can guarantee that. There are currently 74 active cases in the hospital I work in. I walk past droplet warning signs constantly all day long. I see many of these people hooked to machines praying they don't die. I have watched them wheeled out the basement door to the van that takes them away to be disposed of. I hate this mindset of "well it's my choice to endanger myself and you" but in the end it is their choice no matter if I like it or not. In the end I don't agree with these people and feel they are selfishly endangering everyone but that is their choice. I prefer to live in a free society and as such have to live with those whose opinions I feel are stupid and selfish. They have their right to them. I am sure they feel I am just as stupid for getting my shot and booking my second appointment in order to keep my family and the rest of the public safe.
Yeah, nobody can guarantee that. There are currently 74 active cases in the hospital I work in. I walk past droplet warning signs constantly all day long. I see many of these people hooked to machines praying they don't die. I have watched them wheeled out the basement door to the van that takes them away to be disposed of. I hate this mindset of "well it's my choice to endanger myself and you" but in the end it is their choice no matter if I like it or not. In the end I don't agree with these people and feel they are selfishly endangering everyone but that is their choice. I prefer to live in a free society and as such have to live with those whose opinions I feel are stupid and selfish. They have their right to them. I am sure they feel I am just as stupid for getting my shot and booking my second appointment in order to keep my family and the rest of the public safe.
Apparently, lots of people who work at your hospital see nothing - but they are censored.
Yeah, nobody can guarantee that. There are currently 74 active cases in the hospital I work in. I walk past droplet warning signs constantly all day long. I see many of these people hooked to machines praying they don't die. I have watched them wheeled out the basement door to the van that takes them away to be disposed of. I hate this mindset of "well it's my choice to endanger myself and you" but in the end it is their choice no matter if I like it or not. In the end I don't agree with these people and feel they are selfishly endangering everyone but that is their choice. I prefer to live in a free society and as such have to live with those whose opinions I feel are stupid and selfish. They have their right to them. I am sure they feel I am just as stupid for getting my shot and booking my second appointment in order to keep my family and the rest of the public safe.

I doubt you would behave differently if you did not work there. I know I would not behave differently if I did not work in a hospital. But you seem like the type of person that would realize that you could be the one to infect others who would then die. That you could be the host for the virus to mutate into a form that will wreck havoc on a worse scale than it is now.