Will you survive World War 3?

i practice Brick. there's no substitute. we have our "Go" box, a bunker in the mountains, and spare gas. and don't ferget the shootin' irons.....lol. and yes........a bunker in the mountains.
Brick Top, you are taking an extreme scenario from the crest of the Cold War and presenting it as if
1) still current, and
2) those ten thousand-plus targets would have been served with amazing effectiveness.

The number of ballistic warheads and delivery systems (counting boomers) is way down in today's world, and gravity bomb stocks are also no longer near what they were. For WW3 to be apocalyptic, plasma weapons just won't do any more. Add a powerful plague or three to the mix, and then yeah, maybe. cn
So i see that ronpaulsucks lasted all of what? 30 minutes? He really made a statement didn't he? Another Duke puppet account?
I don't think one could say they are "ready" until they have homesteaded for 5 successful years self sufficiently without oil, electricity, or natural gas all while preserving their homegrown produce and saving their own seeds from that produce. I'm not ready by any means, but I am mentally prepared for what is to come and I am becoming more "ready" every passing moment. I still need about 40 guns, 10,000 rounds of ammo, a grain mill, garden tools, heirloom seeds of every vegetable and fruit that grows in my zone, building supplies, hygiene supplies... The list goes on and on... Gold, Silver, Chocolate..

Go to http://survivalblog.com and look on the left column and click on List of list then tell me if you're ready......
I imagine it being like "i am Legend"
But im not nearly as herotic as Will Smith , and nor is my dog come to think of it ,
talking to cardboard cut out people however , i could manage ....
You are again assuming that society is going to collapse through a total nuclear war.

It is about as safe as assuming nothing is going to happen.

Being prepared with a sensible amount of food, supplies, etc (3-6 months) is just a smart thing to do whether you think world war 3 will happen or not.