Will Yellowing & Deficient Leaves Turn Green Again?


Well-Known Member
If my plants have a magnesium deficiency, will the veiny/yellowing leaves come back to their true green color once the issue is resolved? What about leaves with brown spots?
I'm in the process of fixing what I believe is a magnesium deficiency and for the life of me, these leaves aren't changing back to their green color. Should the affected leaves be clipped off and removed so I can tell if it's spreading to new leaves?

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The leaves should recover, if they dry and crisp out just clip em, you should be good I would suggest cutting back N on the 4th plant on the right in the first pic, see how the leaves look shiny?


Well-Known Member
The leaves should recover, if they dry and crisp out just clip em, you should be good I would suggest cutting back N on the 4th plant on the right in the first pic, see how the leaves look shiny?
Thanks for your input. It might look shiny because 5 minutes before I took these pics I foliar sprayed them with some epsom salts.
The yellowed leaves will never "recover" where the yellowing has occurred, but If you addressed the defficiency properly, they should stop getting worse. If the leaves are more than 50% damaged, remove them. Other than that, your plants look great!

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Unless they get necrotic, and get crispy, they'll recover. Necrotic tissue won't regenerate, but chlorotic leaves will green back up.

sativa indica pits

Active Member
most all of those plants look good. The only problem plants I see are the ones in the back left of the first pic and the third pic. looks like a ph problem like this
View attachment 2941692 the ph is sky high in this plant.

Good job training btw, gotta love copper wire, all my bigger plants have about 2lbs of copper wire all over them, lol.

Could be a low ph also, purple stems, claw looking leaves, and a light yellow tint to the whole plant.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Give the affected plants a "LIGHT" dose of N, either blood meal or fish emulsion. They look chlorotic to me, and it's just those affected plants, so thats telling me there is a difference in nutritional requirements between phenos. Which is why I love growing out clones that I have dialed in. It would drive me nuts running multi strain grows. Mad props to those who pull that off!!!


Well-Known Member
I'm using the General Organics GO Box and the instructions say to not worry about adjusting the PH so I put away the PH pen. I've decided to go all organic.

2 days ago all but 2 of them were transplanted from small 1 gallon pots to larger 3 gallon pots with fresh soil. At that time, I fed all of them an AACT to all of them consisting of Compost, Worm Castings, Alfalfa Meal, Kelp Meal, Soluble Fish, Humic Acid, Sucanat. I'm hoping that this tea will help them out. I've also sprayed them with a little bit of epsom salts (1tsp per liter) yesterday and last week.

They seem to be growing fast, but the yellowing and veiny older leaves are still an issue. It's not going away and I think it's still slowly happening.

LSTing is fun! This is my very first grow and I am loving the technique. I'm trying to cover my growing space with a forest of total green before flipping them to flowering. :)

Here's some more photos of them right now before the lights turn off!

I really do appreciate all the help!


sativa indica pits

Active Member
Give the affected plants a "LIGHT" dose of N, either blood meal or fish emulsion. They look chlorotic to me, and it's just those affected plants, so thats telling me there is a difference in nutritional requirements between phenos. Which is why I love growing out clones that I have dialed in. It would drive me nuts running multi strain grows. Mad props to those who pull that off!!!
I get way too bored with the same plants, same bud, same medical effects. Not sure if you saw thishttps://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/759837-75-auto-fem-75-regular.html But its a bit of a bitch when you get a picky pheno or really delicate strain. I love having a lot of variety in my room, always something new and totally worth the extra time put into running multiple strains in the same room. I have fun with it!!


Well-Known Member
The yellowing leaves are still the case. Here are some photos of the "Girl Scout Cookies" - the yellowest plants you see in the photos I previously posted...
Does this look like a nitrogen deficiency to you? Maybe there isn't enough Nitrogen in the GO BOX I have been feeding them? They haven't received full doses before. 3/4 dose was the the highest.
They are due for a watering in about 12 hours. Should I give them some Mexican Bat Guano (10-2-0) included with a full dose of their GO Box? I also have Worm Castings, Kelp Meal, Alfalfa Meal, and Backstrap Molasses if you think those could be of any help.

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Please let me know what you think. Thanks RollItUp!!!!!