Will too much nitrogen inhibit bud growth? Fox Farm Trio question

Otherwise I would bet a buck you have some type of light leak(s).. try taking a half hour off your timer... Good luck!

Low and behold your timer was on for a half hour interrupting your dark schedule (same thing as a light leak).. You obviously don't know half as much as you think or you would have checked that first before asking if too much nitrogen was inhibiting your bud growth (it wasn't btw).. Check your ego champ.. I was just trying to help you :wall:
this is exactly what i said in the first couple posts i made. Or what i was asking rather. I thought this was the problem but no one gave me a straight yes or no if that was it. However, every source I've seen says FFOF feeds for up to the first 3 weeks then add nutes. Im not concerned with P or k atm I'm trying to stop veg and induce flower in every way i can other than lights cause obviously thats fine. So stop N, for now, and see what happens. Btw i am going easy on PK nutes till i see what happens. I purchased a couple light just now i hope will help. The light leaks are taken care of reguardless of wether it was the problem or not, the soil is flushed and the runoff is around 6.5. She only had bloom nutes and i guess thats all i can do for now. Ill update with pics

I wish fertilizer companys like fox farm & such would use truth in advertising , they make great soil & it has enough nutes allready available to the plant where you should be able to grow for 6 weeks atleast , the 3 week directions are geared tword them selling more nutrients , not whats best , in a 12/12 from seed or clone situation adding nutes at week 3 is overkill .

Flush the plant & let it recover a few days & the soil dry out well , next only fertilize them every 3rd or 4th watering & use light doseages when you do feed them because the plants still feeding from the soil , you can stop all N at this point as long as the plant is still getting P K & all the micro nutes .
you know what. it looks like you have pissing matches often going off your comments. I take it all back. I should have let you throw a butt hurt party. sorry if i hurt your ego brah
You've never finished a plant and you're growing with cfls, talking about "I think it's to much nitrogen"?

First of all, nutrients don't send magic signals to your plant to trigger them into flowering. 12 hours of darkness allowing the plant to build up hormones, that's what triggers flowering.

So when your timer tab was pushed down during the dark cycle means your lights came on during the dark cycle for 15/30 minutes which stopped the hormone build up, meaning your plant went back into veg for those day and had the 12 hour clock reset.

But you know what's up.
Oh, and the plant needs nitrogen all throughout the flower cycle. Uncle Ben has been in many arguments regarding this topic. Do some research and you won't have "trolls" calling out your awesome knowledge.

And what's with weirdos going through people's profiles when they have arguments?
Oh, and the plant needs nitrogen all throughout the flower cycle. Uncle Ben has been in many arguments regarding this topic. Do some research and you won't have "trolls" calling out your awesome knowledge.

And what's with weirdos going through people's profiles when they have arguments?

I dont know about wierdos going thru peoples profiles .

Uncle ben is a good grower but he isnt the end all of growing , UB dont grow 12/12 from seed or clone so his techniques may not apply to all grow styles/methods .

Going 12/12 from clone plants do not need nitrogen in the latter weeks of bud , infact nitrogen is proven to hasten finish times making them longer than needed .
y'all can check out. don't want your help. Y'all aint the only ones who know this shit. Ill get my info from a diff source lol. acting like you the only one that knows lol chit
i obviously don't know everything, thats why i asked for help. But every noob who asks a question on here doesn't need the instructions from every piece of equipment they bout reiterated at the beginning of the thread. thanks anyway. stick to the question and leave the ego at home. I left mine when i asked for help
sad thing is, this all stemmed from someone getting butthurt over not getting cred. Pretty sure i was content for a week before you got butthurt. So what if it fucks up lol idc i see ounces every week on the side. i don't need to grow. just a hobby. Apparently ol dude had enough cred. Doesn't need to comment like that. ruined the whole damn thread. now no on wants to jump in cause of yalls butthurt party. damn. can't get no help these days. people are pricks looking for cred
to be the better man, I'm not gonna give comments like that any recognition. Anyone who is still around that really wants to help, the fellow i thanked earlier, check this out. Picked this pair up today. Looking any better? And no thats not being cocky. Im actually asking. Maybe that was the confusion earlier. They mistook genuine questions for cockyness. Not cocky, no reason to be. Anyway they are both 300w equivalent. 68w actual. Gonna put them on top and put two 42w on each side and a couple 23s in there somewhere. 2700k btw. Made my living room look like August outside lol


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I dont know about wierdos going thru peoples profiles .

Uncle ben is a good grower but he isnt the end all of growing , UB dont grow 12/12 from seed or clone so his techniques may not apply to all grow styles/methods .

Going 12/12 from clone plants do not need nitrogen in the latter weeks of bud , infact nitrogen is proven to hasten finish times making them longer than needed .
The weirdo is people like the OP that get into arguments with people and the act like a psycho girl and go strolling through people's profiles trying to find something to use against them.

And I don't listen to shit Ben has to say, I just know I've seen many threads where he mentions plants doing better by running grow formula straight through flower, and to a point he's right. I don't waste me time running a seed 12/12 from germination so I can't verify or deny that they need less nitrogen than a plant that fully matured. I like to smoke so I grow enough to meet that need so flipping 12/12 on a seed won't cut it for me.

To OP, "S'up dude I'll burn a fat blunt of some nug for you. You fake. ass. grower" Shout out to my man Gud. Keep fucking with cfls in your mom's house and not listening to people, it'll pay off big time with like 4 grams of some weak ass shit. That's if your pokemon ass can get it to finish.

Plus, I like how you try to play it off like, "I was looking to see if you're 11", mofo you're the one with a child's cartoon as your avatar.

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lol im not fake lol im a noob. i live in a state where its illegal in all forms. i do what i gotta do to get bud. Period. Like i said i go through ounces in a month I'm not worried about weed. i buy it all too lol. money isn't a thing. its the laws. gotta keep it low profile. and dude lol I'm 24 just moved out of moms house and got my own damn place with my own damn bill so back the fuck off. I'm doing good for myself and if i want to wait 3 months for a quarter of dank, then i will. if its shit, oh well lol. back to the zip in the living room bitch ha. peace
I'm seriously sorry people got butthurt like this. I'm honest. I'm a noob. I admitted a lot i wouldn't if i was worried about my ego. i didn't realize giving cred like that was such a big deal here. i do apologize for that. but on the basis of my problem, time will tell. We don't know who was right yet. i don't honestly care. i have a problem and i wanted advice on what to look in to. The problem wasn't apparent, at least to me, so i shared. dumb idea i guess. maybe i should stick to the noob area. Yalls got my kudos for growing bud like that. You don't see that stuff in WV. I used to sell medical out of Cali but thats it as far as dank. I love it and I'm tired of WV homegrown and mexibrick ya feel? Just trying to create my own dream I've had forever. not as lucky as some and get to live in a legal state. better believe i would drop a stack on like 10000w of hps and a room just for it lol. that would be kickass. but until that happens, I'm stuck here, where the pics show i am. Mexibricked out of my mind trying to grow my first dank. remember how that felt? All i want is help. This is why i joined, please refrain from childish games. i just want help guys. peace. and thenotsoesoteric, smoke one for me too cause it will be awhile since ill get to smoke dank like that bro.

PS sorry if i seemed like a creep. you'd be surprised how often i have a chat like that with someone on clash of clans, and they are 11. no joke. they are 11 every time. 10 and 12 year old don't play coc lol.
this is exactly what i said in the first couple posts i made. Or what i was asking rather. I thought this was the problem but no one gave me a straight yes or no if that was it. However, every source I've seen says FFOF feeds for up to the first 3 weeks then add nutes. Im not concerned with P or k atm I'm trying to stop veg and induce flower in every way i can other than lights cause obviously thats fine. So stop N, for now, and see what happens. Btw i am going easy on PK nutes till i see what happens. I purchased a couple light just now i hope will help. The light leaks are taken care of reguardless of wether it was the problem or not, the soil is flushed and the runoff is around 6.5. She only had bloom nutes and i guess thats all i can do for now. Ill update with pics

Ff will feed longer than 3 weeks most likely. The plant has its own food stored for the first few weeks of its life then if ff feeds for 3 weeks you wouldn't need nutes for at least six weeks.

Back off nutes and flush it. Less is more. Your making a common mistake of over feeding.