will this work?


New Member
Hi over the last 2 weeks me an my frind have been trying to put together are first grow for well pretty much free i have 0% growing an just needed some opinions if 1 i can grow without nutes or at least miracle grow all purpose plant feed its 12-2-8 i belive maybe a lil diffrent and can my plant growwith just strait tap water or do i HAVE to use a ph balance kit cause i have really NO money and i cant afford nutes or lights oh ya that reminds me can i use 2 24w floresent flood lights to grow from a baby clone to a teenage plant?bongsmilie:weed:bongsmilie:weed:


Well-Known Member
owww my eyes, was going to read but now im not. My old stoned eyes cant handle that color spasm


Well-Known Member
how old are you and your friend lol need to wait till you got your own place and a job imo. your not gonna get rich quick.


Well-Known Member
you can do all the things you describe but you will not have the best results. Cultivation can be an expensive hobby and if you aren't willing to invest personal time in learning the craft and personal resources into accomplishing your goal you will end up with nothing.


Well-Known Member
and yes you could use those cfls but you kinda get what you pay for, your plant wont be a beast but itll smoke Good Luck


New Member
thnx man for actually awnsering my questaion and ok ima give it a shot an for u otha guys im 18 and got a job just dont got money so fuckk off


New Member
bro its possible but u will get what u pay for i can tell u right now what ur yeild will be and i aldo can tell u its not going to be better then any good weed u buy from the streets so no it will not be sweet smoke they will be airy and small u can do it as a learning exp cause its what i did for my first grow i used a aerogarden i think that has 2 25w cfl and it was a great learning experience. but like i said dont expect more than 14g of weed maby an ounce if ur freakn real lucky. but its possible. goodluck bro keep those cfls an inch from the plant


Well-Known Member
thnx man for actually awnsering my questaion and ok ima give it a shot an for u otha guys im 18 and got a job just dont got money so fuckk off
anytime bro, i cant stnd when ppl talk shit to someone who is looking for advice. it really pisses me off, but yea dude if u need help just hmu


Active Member
You gotta be enterprising first. You and your pal get some kind of work short term could be window cleaning, cleaning out peoples lofts or something and then pool your resources (money). Clearly your only doing a cfl grow first with MAX two plants coz I assume you dont pay utilities. You need to research stealth grows, germinating and sourcing seeds since moneys tight. Light types and light distances (1 inch by the way, your welcome) reflective surfaces, strains etc. You need to invest something or its unlikely you'll get much for your finish product plus the yeild might not offset startup costs. Knowledge is also key so get reading coz theres alot to digest. Reps everything you want people to love your smoke so the more you know and the better your equipment the better your finished product.