Will this work?


Active Member
I topped my plant and took a few cuts, the lower internode was a lot smaller than the rest so i have rested clothes hangers upon them.

will this let the other 1 catch up for an even canopy, if not how do i do it without topping again?.

i also would like to know if these clones have been taken properly!

is there enough leaves or not enough.

the seedling is growing well and will be flipped 12/12 with the others in 2 wks or so.

any info would be welcomed and appreciated.



Active Member
Lol i wish I knew how to do this cos id do it with valium haha, could u explain, i thought u meant by dissolving them in water then watering the plant, people do it with anadin for reasons i dont know. tell me ur reasonings for this. were u taking the piss or are u for real.