will this work?


Active Member
i was in a local shop and they suggested for a small grow i could get the a small secret jardin and fill it with 2 foot tds. would i be able to flower a plant or two succesfully with this set up?

this would be 2X2X4 so i figured 2 foot t5s and the real attraction is the tent with four bullbs with brackets and cords will make the whole set up cost less then 300 including soil and pots. the lights themselves will be vertical and i plan on using ona for smell. i used a tiny bit the other day in a room in my house that usually stinks and the horiible smell went away in less then five minutes.​


Active Member
idk about your light set up, i would try to get some type of light for over head lighting, but your system seems to sound'd otherwise


Active Member
at the shop their response to that was the side lighting in the small space would be enough. i have onlly ever done lighting from above before. i think this way i can grow more then one plant in this tiny enclosure and they will all get enough light