will this work


Well-Known Member
id taken all my clones an was 6 left over dident want 2 dump them an hav no room 4 more i wraped a small piece of tolet roll round the bottem of the 6 clones an let them sit in some ionic hormone gel till tolet roll was soaked just an experment i heard the root system will grow in2 1



Well-Known Member
id taken all my clones an was 6 left over dident want 2 dump them an hav no room 4 more i wraped a small piece of tolet roll round the bottem of the 6 clones an let them sit in some ionic hormone gel till tolet roll was soaked just an experment i heard the root system will grow in2 1
I cut all of my clones and there were 6 left over. I didn't want to dump them and I have no room left for more. I wrapped a small piece of toilet paper around the bottom of each of the 6 clones and let them sit in some ionic hormone gel until the toilet paper was soaked. It's just an experiment but I heard that the root system will grow in to one.

I couldn't understand so I had to type it out in complete English... To answer your question: I have no idea if it will work.


Well-Known Member
:joint: if u knew what it says in the 1st place y retype it u if dident even hav an answer aa+ for being a nobb A+ 4 your english go round an check an see if u can correct any 1 elses english 4 them seems like some nerdy fun:joint: :joint: :joint: :joint: :joint:

Did your camel take the hump again paola


Well-Known Member
well its all working well no thanks too rubber nut up there making a balls of my thread with his gay talk ,
any ways all my leafs r standing up lookin happy im just worried if the root system will get tingeled up with so many clones bunched 2 geather !
this is 2 go out doors an im hoping its a monster


Well-Known Member
They will compete and kill each other off.

If they are all in the same pot split them up.

Use plastic coke bottles or something until you can get some more pots.

I use medium sized plastic tylenol bottles for my clones.