Will this work well for a cabinet?


Well-Known Member
you want to exhaust the air in the room 3 times per minute. find the cubic footage of your fridge and get a fan that is 3 times that # in CFM.


Well-Known Member
It doesnt matter if you have 2 plants or 10 plants. Air circulation along with a bunch of other things are essential for a healthy plant.

Listen to FDD...He's a wealth of information and will give it to ya straight up!


Well-Known Member
Thanks I found the square foot of the fridge and found a computer fan at compusa that can circulate that number x3...Its just like a computer right? I need an intake and exhaust?
This fan btw http://www.compusa.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3478779&csid=ITD&body=MAIN#detailspecs

i can't believe those tiny little fans move that much air. yet they do. :-P

i use an exhaust only. then a big vent hole for an intake. the exhaust will pull air in thru the intake when your door is closed.