Will this work? (Possible great idea?)


New Member
Hey all,
I have never grown a thing in my life, obviously it is a very lucrative business. I want to get into commercial growing during college, enough to pay off some debt.

I can only do outdoor as I live in a small house in the middle of ass-fuck nowhere. I have about $400 I can invest into this, including seeds.

My biggest worry would be bugs and animals, I live in Ontario so it rains fairly often, and our days are semi-long.

If I was to build a "Tree fort" about 4ft off the ground, and pot my plants in the tree fort (with sunlight and rain available) would I need to water them? What upkeep is necessary.

Where can I get really cheap seeds, tbh I don't care about the quality of the bud (my brother has a personal grow that he gives me, it's high quality aero). Where I live weed is hard to come by (low pop) so it could be semi-shitty seeds.

I need cheap seeds, I see like $18/seed.. No way!



New Member
good seed == good weed

$18/seed at least youll get good weed in return. are they feminized?
Yes, they were.

I don't care about good weed, tbh. :(

I would rather cheap seeds, more yield, shittier product, more money. :)

With cloning you never have to buy seeds again? right?


Well-Known Member
w/ 400$ you could get a 250w, maybe a 400w hps ($130-$200), some good nutes (~$100) and for cheap seeds you can get them at www.marijuana-seeds-canada.com, seedsman and nirvana are the cheapest ($4.40 a seed). that would be your best bet. You could harvest much quicker than growing outside too.

Brick Top

New Member
If I was to build a "Tree fort" about 4ft off the ground, and pot my plants in the tree fort (with sunlight and rain available) would I need to water them? What upkeep is necessary.

It is impossible to say for sure if you would need to water your plants and if so how often since no one can predict what rainfall you will get. Also it will depend on how large of pots you will be growing in. Even with somewhat regular rain if you grow in small pots once a plant gets fairly large it could suck all the moisture out of the amount of soil it has to live in and dry out. Things like humidity and wind will also factor into a need for watering or not in that if it is dry and or windy there will be an increased amount of transpiration through plants.

You should be prepared to handle any watering needs you may have and have a system in mind or set up in advance if possible.

If nothing else if you have the room and if you do get decent rains a rain barrel in your "tree fort" might be able to collect enough rain for you to use to water your plants during times of little to no rains.

Where can I get really cheap seeds, tbh I don't care about the quality of the bud (my brother has a personal grow that he gives me, it's high quality aero). Where I live weed is hard to come by (low pop) so it could be semi-shitty seeds.
I need cheap seeds, I see like $18/seed.. No way!
Cheap is a relative thing so I am unsure what you really consider to be inexpensive but you can find numerous breeders gear and different strains of varying prices here, some very low like $18.81 per pack:


And while you will not find as many inexpensive beans here it does give another option:


One thing to keep in mind when you purchase beans is the more inexpensive something is the more reason or reasons there are for them to be priced so inexpensively.

It will not always be just a matter of lower quality genetics but also in what germ rate/percentage you will get. You have to ask yourself if it is a better value to buy inexpensive beans that may have a 70% germ rate or something slightly more expensive that will give you an 85% or 90% germ rate.

The greater germ rate you get the more your chance increases to have a larger/heavier yield and by doing that you will more than recoup your initial outlay.

While you say quality is not all that important it my indeed not be to those who will be your customers but it should be to you. Not for your own use but for the value for your dollar you will receive by having beans with a higher germ rate and also genetics that give you a heavier/larger yield.

You would be better to start out on a slightly smaller scale with better genetics and then when you turn a profit you can expand, again using the same quality or higher quality genetics and then have more product to sell that will then increase your profits even more.

Remember Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither was Syracuse.

Addit:Something else to remember about growing in a "tree fort" is that the higher up you get the less light your plants will receive because they will be closer to the canopy and it will cut down on not only light from directly overhead but also indirect light coming from the side/angle. Growing under or in a tree will not give you as much light as growing in a clearing.

Also when growing under/in a tree depending on how thick the tree’s canopy is when there are light rains less will get through to your plants that would otherwise reach your plants if they were in a clearing so that will likely somewhat increase your need to water.

If you are in such a rural area that a "tree fort" with plants growing in it will not stick out like a three legged race horse for people to spot couldn’t you just fence in an area in a clearing and keep animals out that way?


New Member
Thank-you so much to the poster above, REP+

" If you are in such a rural area that a "tree fort" with plants growing in it will not stick out like a three legged race horse for people to spot couldn’t you just fence in an area in a clearing and keep animals out that way?"

I laughed, I will end up fencing it :)

So when growing outside.. You get the seeds, germ, plant them in dixie cups, THEN do you put the dixie cups outside? Or do you have to grow them inside first? After they establish a good root system you then transplant them to a pot (how big?) in said area?

How do you know if they are getting enough sunlight/water?

Brick Top

New Member
Thank-you so much to the poster above, REP+

" If you are in such a rural area that a "tree fort" with plants growing in it will not stick out like a three legged race horse for people to spot couldn’t you just fence in an area in a clearing and keep animals out that way?"

I laughed, I will end up fencing it :)

A tip about fencing around a growing location is to dig a trench around the area where you will put the fence and put the fence into the ground.

Rabbits and other animals will attempt to slide under the fence and burrow under it but they will not dig deep so if you put your fence around six inches into the ground and then fill back in around it there is little chance of something digging deeper than that to get to your plants. They will see it as to much effort and look for something easier to eat.

So when growing outside.. You get the seeds, germ, plant them in dixie cups, THEN do you put the dixie cups outside? Or do you have to grow them inside first? After they establish a good root system you then transplant them to a pot (how big?) in said area?

How do you know if they are getting enough sunlight/water?

I have never started plants inside and then transplanted them outside so I really cannot advise you as to what would be best.

Most likely someone here has done it and can tell you but if I were to make a wild stab at guessing what I would do I would say that I would likely grow my plants inside until they had about four sets of leaves, maybe five, before I moved them outside.

I would also keep a fan blowing on them at low speed while they were inside so their stems will grow thicker and stronger so when moved outside they will be able to deal with wind and possible driving rain.

The lateral movement caused by wind/fans is what makes stems, and tree trunks, grow larger in size, their caliper will increase more and faster with lateral movement than if they just stand still.

Your plants will ‘tell’ you if they need water because their leaves will wilt and will hang down, they will dangle, instead of looking full and lush and standing up firm and proud like a teenage girls tits.

If your plants begin to stretch that will be a sign of not enough light. Another sign of there not being enough light is they die.

Try to pick as open of a location as you can. A small clearing that may appear to you to be adequate can still have enough trees and bushes nearby to cut way down on the amount of light plants will receive.

Stand in different areas and look towards where the sun rises and then to where it sets and see at what point direct light will strike the area and what may block light.

If it appears that the sun will have to be very high in the sky before direct light will strike you plants start walking around until you find a better location because your plants will likely not survive there.
