Will this work? Light Cooling Set up


Well-Known Member
I'm working on my first grow and am building much of my own set up. I recently purchased a light set-up from one of my growing buddies, and got a 400W HPS as well as a 400W MH conversion bulb. Anyways, as I realize these lights do create a looooot of heat, I'm working on my own cooling method to cool the light let me know what you think.

I plan to house the light in a clear rubbermaid box with intake and exhaust tubes on both sides. Here is where my questions start. Will the light fixture, reflector included, being inside the box (it is clear) hinder the light's ability to get to the plants? If so, then let me know if you have any other suggestions. Thanks for any and all help, I've been hanging around the forums reading up on everything but unfortunately haven't found anything that could help me with this. Let me know. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
First of all - welcome to Rollitup!
Secondly - you need to be more specific about details: size of Rubbermaid box, size of reflector hood, size of fans and ducting, etc. That's probably why nobody is responding - lack of information!

I've got a Sun System "Super Sun" reflector, it comes in a box that measures about 19"x28"x9" high (it's in storage right now). That's already bigger than some Rubbermaid contaners! So, my first impression is that you are trying to create a "Plastic Oven", without much actual growspace. Yes, a 400 watter will put out lots of heat and plastic boxes don't like heat.

I've never grown in a Rubbermaid container myself, but from what I gather, most Rubbermaid grows are done with CFL's; or else a very vigorous ventilation system.

Like I said, I don't know how big your container is, but I'm tempted to advise you (as a first timer) to either use a less powerful light (cooler and smaller in size); or else a bigger, more conventional cabinet.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the response, I appreciate any knowledge i can get. I guess I wasn't very clear because we're not on the same page. I'm not growing in an actual rubbermaid, I would just like to use one in my building of a light cooler. Right now, I have the light and reflector hanging by themselves, however my growspace is only about four feet tall. Id like to be able to make my own light cooler in order to get the light closer to the plants, however, with my current reflector, it seems that I would need a new fixture to install a normal cooler. Therefore, here was one idea that I came up with:

Put the light/reflector in a clear rubbermaid box. The whole set up can fit with about six inches of air all around the fixture. Next, I would cut circular holes in the side of the rubbermaid box. From there, I would attach duct tubing and an exhaust fan to move air through the box, and hopefully then cooling the light. This seems to me like it would work, however, I have no knowledge on how the clear box would affect the light on the plants. Will it change anything? Or will it be just like there is a light, shining through air.

Once again, thanks for any help that I can get as I am constantly learning. Please let me know what you think.


Active Member
no problem blaze....when you figure out what you are going to do keep us informed, and if you make your own cooltube put up some pics.