Will this plant go back to veg


Active Member
I had this plant going indoors for a few months and put it outdoors and it started to flower . I thought that it would straighten out and go back to veg. But the solstice was yesterday and I wonder if I should start feeding it like its budding . So far jut been giving fish emulsion for veg.

What do you all think? Should I start feeding for flower?
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New Member
yea, it's no fun. about 60 % of mine did that . It's been 6 weeks and they are just now starting to put out messed up leaves, And they are finally starting to grow a little bit . I just hit them hard with N and crossed my fingers. I let them go for about a month and all they have done is filled out some. So now i am pruning them back, and hoping they will start growing out. I replaced at least half of them, and those are doing much better, rough start......


Active Member
I'm thinking about just giving it indo bat guano and seeing if it will continue budding . This plant is 3.5 months old and was put outside memorial weekenD so it's a fair size at about 4.5 ft

Think it would keep budding with the right nutes